UNIX/Linux Programming - July 2016

Dictionary.c syntax
[1 reply] : your code, indented #include "Dictionary.h" #include <assert.h> #incl... (by ne555)
by RobCh
GPU utilisation
Hello, this is my first post on this site, I have a question about C++ graphics. I have 2 years experience in hobby C++. I have been experimenting with SDL for...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for all the replies, I will be looking into irrlicht and ogre a... (by RobCh)
Can Shared Libraries Be Scripts
On that page: "http://linux.die.net/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/miscellaneous.html#SHARED-SCRIPTS" I learned that shared libraries can be also txt script files,...
[3 replies] Last: No, that's not what this is for. This scripting language is meant to c... (by helios)
by new1
Update the time in between dates !!
Hello, I confused with this, i want to find the time count for day to day in a week. Ex: If suppose we specify some flag setting as 'week' in code. Then i...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, It was wrong that i did in Genereal c++ programming, But this qu... (by new1)
Vector of threads
I am trying to write a multi threaded program. However, I end up getting a compilation error saying. /usr/include/c++/4.8/bits/stl_vector.h:906:34: require...
[2 replies] Last: If you put your code between code tags it will help people to help you... (by Galik)
CGI bin file downloads instead of executing through HTML browser
I am Embedded Software Engineer, I am new to Embedded Web Server programming, I wrote the HTML code which is simple form as the code shown below : <form acti...
[3 replies] Last: Without a server who is supposed to execute your program ? Normally t... (by Thomas1965)
Save to Project Path
How would I go about saving to the project's path instead of the current working directory? Just to rephrase, I want to save my data in the same folder that my...
[2 replies] Last: I'm not aware of any portable method to get the path to the executable... (by dhayden)
load data from a text file into arrays for calculations
Hi! I'm really new at programming and I'm in a bit over my head. My professor wants me to make a program that reads data from a .txt file and puts the data into...
[2 replies] Last: What language are you coding in? post the assignment (by alleyezonme)
How to save data/settings in bootable pen drive
Hi, I have a bootable usb drive (a.k.a live-usb) with kali Linux (not ubuntu)on it, the problem is that I cant save any data/settings in it.. any changes I m...
[6 replies] Last: thanks for the link (by shadder)
Time detemination
I want to use the system clock (or time) but in milliseconds. I tried different functions such as clock(), time_t and suseconds_t. clock() gives nonsense digi...
[3 replies] Last: Can you help me use it as a timer rather showing the entire seconds s... (by TheIdeasMan)
why socket function recv is so slowly
recently , I meet a question about the function recv of socket programming, let me introduce the background of the question , now I have a client and server ...
[1 reply] : Next time, please post your code using the code tags (under format). ... (by koothkeeper)
Avoid g++ surround _stdcall with __attribute__ string
I use MinGW's g++ to preprocess my file which has the following function: [call_as(ReadAt)] HRESULT _stdcall RemoteReadAt( ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffs...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks SGH. That is a very good tip. I was actually using -D__stdcall ... (by hazdazzler009)
Threading Trouble
Hey guys, I'm trying to teach myself a bit about how to thread. Below is the code I have, which basically has a 'control' that sums up [0 : 20000000], and two ...
[6 replies] Last: Well... it can. You don't know – that's the tricky thing with multi... (by NoXzema)
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