UNIX/Linux Programming - July 2015

mv Command using system call in C++
I'm trying to move a file using mv command in C++. But I'm getting error.I've tried following code: system("mv /home/comp-sl1-25/.local/share/Trash/files/"+fil...
[2 replies] Last: Like Keskiverto said, you shouldn't be using system() but as far as th... (by giblit)
Playing Video in Unix
Need to run video in IMX6 board, not able to do so i believe i do not have qt plug in library. I am running ubuntu 64 bit in IMX6. Any help would be appreciate...
[1 reply] : There is great help here in the forums: http://boundarydevices.com/ A... (by koothkeeper)
calculate prme numbers by threads
I have to calculate prime numbers between ranges by threads. example program run ./myProg 100 250 4 //4 number of threads and 100 to 250 is range I...
[1 reply] : There are lots of problems, little technical ones like what does this ... (by kbw)
How obtain IP address of other Pc in C++ and ubuntu 14.04 ???
Hello I am beginner programmer and i make my final thesis of Magister in electronic art. My project its a multi-player on line video game . For thats i Need ...
[1 reply] : accept() returns the address of the client for TCP and recvfrom() for ... (by kbw)
Linux GUI Lib + Compiling multiple files
Hello, I recently started programming on Linux and I had enough of console, so I'd like to start doing some apps with GUI - I'm running Raspbian - Raspberry ...
[8 replies] Last: Actually, I tried out a little of Qt today, and it is also very nice f... (by newbieg)
by ryx
questions about some C++ library functions
I use gcc/g++ to compile my c++ program on ubuntu. I have confusion about some underlying functions. Which library provides the implementation of __cxa_atexit? ...
[5 replies] Last: I know cin/cout are within iostream. Its possible that vectors are a s... (by axtyax)
IP Spoofing
I want to create a C++ program to implement IP spoofing. In my college my teacher told us that we are goin to use 3 PCs (i.e. one source, one dest. and one hack...
[3 replies] Last: An overview of the code suggests that it is based on BSD sockets. I wo... (by codeman123)
by sckn
basic web server blocking problem
Hi, I write basic web server with c++ (some code read on internet.). I test with apache benchmark tool, 32744 request complated after blocking. How can des...
[1 reply] : You don't close client_fd or delete cstr. And that was just a quick l... (by kbw)
do i need to learn c before learning to create Linux modules?
so far i have covered the basics of c++, including loops, arrays, pointers, classes, etc. after creating a few command line programs, along with a (in my opinio...
[2 replies] Last: Almost none of the header files in the Linux kernel are C++ compatible... (by NoXzema)
by mogha
HI All, I have a utility where i am unzipping a library and creating soft link. But the problem is sometimes it copies a 0 byte library at the folder as sho...
[3 replies] Last: It's unix/linux progamming . (by TheHardew)
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