by vehshiCoder
problem using gotoxy() in code::blocks ide, gnu c++ compiler
[no replies]
by failbit
New to Ubuntu/Linux need help linking
[7 replies] Last: try this: create a file called Makefile in your program directory. ... (by bigearsbilly)
by vasiqshair
What is wrong with my shell program
[3 replies] Last: Actually to debug if your signal calls is correct is to comment out al... (by sohguanh)
by tsa45
GNU C++ socket programming: how to publish
[4 replies] Last: I think the problem is somewhere in your server you made. Please show ... (by Agamemnon Skepetaris)
by vasiqshair
Input validation
[1 reply] : In pure C, you can have a look-up table (array of char*). Then write a... (by sohguanh)
by egeiger
execl php - help please
[5 replies] Last: A reason I can think of is sometimes we want to "interface" with a com... (by sohguanh)
by vasiqshair
Help with a small shell program
[2 replies] Last: If you are at the command-line, you can use ps command to get the pid ... (by sohguanh)
by TheCreator
Installing Libraries
[no replies]
by piman
Swap memory help
[6 replies] Last: would it be okay if i use a different mapped file for each variable so... (by piman)
by detorresrc
suggestions for usb webcam C/C++ api
[3 replies] Last: Sorry, cant give any examples. I've only dealt with v4l as an end user... (by naraku9333)
by Jsel
SFML runtime problem
[4 replies] Last: woah woah does the program compile at alll? does that error display wh... (by strongdrink)
by kev82
Minor linking issue
[1 reply] : One solution is to create one makefile for each platform with platfo... (by jsmith)
by adammaj1
compiling with g++
[4 replies] Last: Also, you can use the -o parameter to change the name of the output fi... (by strongdrink)
by aatwo
Executing binary from within C++ program
[1 reply] : This might be useful: (by Galik)
by Jsel
Is this book still relevant?
[7 replies] Last: C++ Network Programming (Volumes 1 and 2) are good but they use ACE. (by moorecm)
by ashish verma
Error Linked List
[2 replies] Last: The error is at line temp = (struct linkqueue *) malloc (sizeof(stru... (by mbisht)
by ashish verma
glibc detected
[4 replies] Last: If you're running this under Linux or Darwin (OS X), run it under valg... (by Moschops)
by spectrem12
Boost libraries
[8 replies] Last: This might be of help: (by Galik)
Problem receiving a string with space(s) |
[3 replies] Last: ignore worked sync did not. Thank you for your answers im gonna look m... (by closed account 1wqDSL3A)
by Null
Escape sequences
[1 reply] : The best answer I ever saw about this subject is in a book written by ... (by kooth)