UNIX/Linux Programming - January 2015

Cannot write across a pipe with pointers to istream and ostream
First some background: // BEGIN BACKGROUND I am running under CentOS 6.5 Linux on a x86_64, and compiling with c++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313. I have a couple utili...
[1 reply] : Figured this out with the help of Barmar on stackoverflow. It turns o... (by FooJustFoo)
Waiting for multiple events in Unix C++
Hi, I am trying to port my multi threaded windows application to Unix. My requirement is to signal a thread with multiple events. In windows i have used "WaitF...
[3 replies] Last: Use semaphores. #include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <unist... (by Konstantin2)
RTF Generation using C++ / Linux
Hello, I am looking for generate RTF file using C++ / Unix code. Can someone give me idea whether there is any library available? or someone has sample C++ c...
[3 replies] Last: That wikipedia article mentions "Libraries and converters". (by keskiverto)
need help with project
I'm getting a few errors. i'm going to copy my code here (errors first, and then the contents of each file). I have tried several times to rid certain errors an...
[2 replies] Last: Don't #include "stats.cpp" , just link the file. http://www.cplusplus... (by ne555)
by Tili
Ubuntu terminal. Help!
hello there guys, 1) cd ~ && mkdir Ergasies && mkdir Askiseis && mkdir Other && mkdir Other/video && mkdir other/pictures && ls && ls other 2) cat > cours...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the link. (by AssignmentExpert)
by Lee125
What the best way to learn linux?
Helloy guys. can you suggest me how to learn linux programming since I didnt have any basic. i just know a few of command. I'm very interested since I h...
[13 replies] Last: Yes, I uderstood. Here to talk about system calls of Linux. It is a ve... (by Observer)
grep expression
I am having trouble trying to find an expression that will match a word that starts with "b" ends with "t" and contains "o". The following expression grabs some...
[13 replies] Last: He was using both single and double quotes. One prevents variable subs... (by keskiverto)
by Lauke
How to deal with user prompt/command line/input file
Hi Guys, I've a problem... I'm developing a software tool which can be started in the following way... 1. ./myProgram 2. ./myProgram -op1 arg1 -op2 ar...
[4 replies] Last: Because what i need is to initialize an object in one of the way... I'... (by Lauke)
Compile Error
Hi Guys, I try to compile one archive " GameServer " and when y try with the command: g++ GameServer.cpp -o GameServer_d I recive this error: ht...
[1 reply] : ¿what is LC_LOCAL_CODE? (by ne555)
by tyty
OpenGL compile error
Hello All. I am having a compile error with openGL. I have not been able to figure it out for a few days now. I'm compiling through terminal commands. ...
[6 replies] Last: Qt will not help the situation (and it probably was already solved). (by Avilius)
by rw3iss
Trying to link mysqld to program, but getting errors
Hi! I'm trying to create a small library that I want to include in other projects. The library is dependent upon SOCI, and subsequently mysql. I actually co...
[1 reply] : Looks like you need to link libcrypto Also, you shouldn't (need to) ... (by codewalker)
Infinite loop issue
Hi there, I seem to be having a problem with an infinite loop in my program. My loop is supposed to ask for user input, but for some reason cin is not being rec...
[1 reply] : You are asking fin to ignore 1000 characters read http://www.cpluspl... (by codewalker)
Difference between $() and ``
Hello, Are these 2 different ? content=`cat file` content=$(cat file) when I echo them out , I receive the same result , but does shell handle them the sa...
[6 replies] Last: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Command-Substitut... (by keskiverto)
Free community writing
Hey all linux users, this is a shout-out to the free-software community. I'm asking you to share your knowledge of all things c++ programming related. Specif...
[no replies]
Armadillo library error
Hello, I'm having some problems using Armadillo library.. I installed armadillo, lapack and blas by apt-get apt-get install libblas-dev apt-get install libl...
[1 reply] : You need to add the libraries to your second line, where you are linki... (by koothkeeper)
Gtk+ good content sites?
I'm now looking into using GTK+-3.0, and I've found it very easy to use in comparison to windows API, which to be fair, it should be since Win API is raw conten...
[1 reply] : http://www.gtk.org/documentation.php http://zetcode.com/tutorials/gt... (by suroh)
MAPI client library
hi, looking for client side library in order to fetch, read and delete mail on MS-Exchange Server 2010 using MAPI protocol.
[no replies]
Using C++ for System Administration tasks
When a system administrator (especially someone managing Linux-based systems) needs to do things repeatedly, it is common sense that he will write bash-scripts ...
[1 reply] : So you know about scripting languages, and from reason you prefer a co... (by tipaye)
problem in using fork
Hello everyone! I just started to learn Linux programming,My doubt may seem very silly to you,but i am really very confused,so help me to get through this- he...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much! Now this is clear, I gone through whole documenta... (by hellcoder)
program corruption
I am making a game, I am using vectors to store npc data. I run my program in a way that it gets a segmetation fault, but instead I get this (https://drive.goog...
[9 replies] Last: Line 12 calls npc.initialize(10); which calls X.resize(npcs); to r... (by dhayden)
January 2015 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [dec2014] [feb2015]

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