UNIX/Linux Programming - January 2010 (Page 2)

problem with finding an element in a set?
Under g++ when I compile the following code I receive an unexpected result. The intentions of this code is to initialize a set, find a certain element and displ...
[1 reply] : Replace greater_equal with greater in the template argument (by Bazzy)
by over9k
opencv compile errors with g++
hi, I am trying to compile the hello world opencv program, g++ hello.c -o hello And I am getting the following errors: /tmp/cca4w5Eo.o: In function ...
[4 replies] Last: I finally found this: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/CompileOpen... (by over9k)
by SAI 11
C++ on unix and windows
hello friends i am a new beginner in c++. can any body tell me the difference of C++ in windows and c++ on unix
[1 reply] : C++ itself is the same on every OS. The difference is on some librari... (by Bazzy)
by med
Segmentation fault
Hi everybody, I am new on using both Linux and C++. I have got a small program (I didn't wrote it)which main aim is to convert geographic coordinates to a speci...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, that is because you left this in your code: lat=atof(argv )... (by PanGalactic)
Needed to compile my first kernel program
Please Help needed to compile my first kernel program I have compile & install new kernel on path: /root/linux2.6.32.3/ I have written small progr...
[1 reply] : That makefile should contain $(shell uname -r) not $(shell uname .r... (by PanGalactic)
by ckdur
How to enumerate USB Flash Drives?
Hello All! Anybody knows an example that explains how to enumerate USB Flash Drives connected in a PC I need to enumerate the mountage points (example: "/...
[2 replies] Last: Yes... but... i don't need all the USB devices! I need only USB mass s... (by ckdur)
C++ - Basic Classes
I'm reading a book called SAMS Teach Yourself C++ For Linux in 21 Days , and I just read "Day 6 - Basic Classes". I feel that I have grasped the concept (a lit...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. Actually, that last note about input storin... (by qazwerty97)
by gjduff
Difficult segfault to pin down (seems related to SDL audio)
Hello everyone! First time poster here. I am working on a game using SDL and I have stumbled into one of those bugs that is difficult to figure out. It ...
[1 reply] : Read the thread right before yours entitled "long term bug advice". T... (by PanGalactic)
long term bug advice (1,2)
Hey guys, Im running into some issues with a project im working on. The project itself is very large so I cant really post code but here goes. The program...
[30 replies] Last: ok, well if you look at the backtrace, raise() is in whats veiwable fr... (by atariman)
With expertise in the shell I want to resolve necessary
Hello to all of you my friends That your friend's new in this forum and Otnmy you to help me to solve this small-scale project I would be grateful to you too ...
[5 replies] Last: Where is your code? (by Bazzy)
Blocking question [network programming related]
I am currently writing code for a multi-threaded server, with the following threads: 1 thread that looks for new incoming connections of clients all the time...
[1 reply] : Just the thread. (by firedraco)
{Beginner}{GCC}{G++}Generating Mediums Like Compiled File and The Assembled File
I am quite well acquainted with C++ but I was staring to learn C just for fun. I have seen something which is common in both gcc and g++ compilers. If I want to...
[1 reply] : I think the option you are looking for is "-save-temps". (by PanGalactic)
Using Code Blocks
A recent discussion on this forum made me rethink not using a IDE. I choose code blocks because it seems to be popular. this is the hello world I am trying ...
[7 replies] Last: @Bazzy you're a C++ superstar! (by blackcoder41)
Convert VB.net Function into C++ in linux
Hi Im newbee in linux programming. n dunno how to convert this vb.net source code in windows to c++ in linux this is the code Private Function MD5(By...
[1 reply] : OpenSSL has a nifty function called MD5(). Check the MD5(3) man page ... (by PanGalactic)
virtual derived class
Please consider the below program #include<iostream.h> class A { public: int x,y; A(){cout<<"\n DefaultConst A";} A(int i, ...
[1 reply] : http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/multiple-inheritance.html#faq-25... (by jsmith)
by criya
Can anyone help me out in this following issues in network programming ... 1)I can't understand the basic definition of why we use struct ifreq,ioctl; 2)The...
[1 reply] : 1. These provide low level control of network devices. You wouldn't n... (by kbw)
by MaxT
Libpcap + socket programing
Ok So I want to be be able to grab the IP in human readable form from a device. (I know there are many ways of doing this) I've come across something odd thou...
[5 replies] Last: Found it, I was passing args to main and using them without checking t... (by MaxT)
Avoiding "broken pipe" errors with a socket server.
I recently found out that having a certain php script connect to my server makes it crash due to a broken pipe error. As I understand, these are caused by writ...
[12 replies] Last: I'll do that when I get the chance, thanks again. (by Impacatus)
January 2010 Pages: 12
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