UNIX/Linux Programming - February 2016

by alexBB
Cannot output in text file.
Hello there. I have Ubuntu 14.04 with g++14 compiler. I need to output some arrays to a text file. It is all for debug but really important. I get empty files ...
[7 replies] Last: I have solved the problem. Thank you much @jib & @keskiverto. - Alex (by alexBB)
by Frenzy
Problem with Functions
Hey guys. I just started learning about functions in my class recently. I've been getting some really strange error messages when I try to compile. I can't even...
[5 replies] Last: Problem solved - http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/185373/ ... (by TarikNeaj)
by nj1995
compiling error
Hi,when I attempt to run my code in unix it returns an error saying that 'data' is not a member of the vector in my toUpper function, but it runs fine when I ru...
[2 replies] Last: Also be aware that C++ doesn't allow Variable Length Arrays. Array siz... (by jlb)
Create shared lib to integrate into JNI under Eclipse
Hi, I'm developing for Android NDK under Eclipse in Ubuntu. Lately I have to create a C++11 .so shared library and call it by a JNI code. I'm not mastering t...
[1 reply] : I've found the answer, that may serve someone else: Yes, it is mandat... (by Opariti)
by alexBB
Reading from a text file
Hello there, It is Ubuntu 14.04 with g++14 I need to read from a text file. I am posting a few first lines: !# The file contains calculations of the flat ar...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much. I highly appreciate your help. - Alex (by alexBB)
by zezeon
compile error again..
git clone http://github.com/ParkSeungwon/tcpip && cd tcpip && make Can anyone test compile my program? In my case it fails. What is the problem? You will n...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you.. That was a great help. (by zezeon)
C++ Nested for loops
I need to make a program where it prompts for an integer greater than one that represents the low end of a range and a second integer greater than or equal to t...
[1 reply] : What is the question? PS. Please use code tags, when posting code. Se... (by keskiverto)
by Saumil
System.dll export in c++
Hello All, I want to use .net dll in linux in native c++ code. I required "using namespace system" in c++. Question: How I can use System.dll export and use...
[no replies]
GPIO - What is this/How this works..?
Dear CPlusPlus community, I have a RaspBerry PI 2B which I use pretty often. I am still learning about the GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) I wrote already ...
[no replies]
by zezeon
tcp/ip wrapping
I want to wrap tcp/ip with C++, but, It does not work. Though I could establish connection but, I could not send or receive messages. Can anyone help me? //t...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks. There was no problem with the code. It hanged due to some othe... (by zezeon)
by Erecc
hi all, i need some helps with strings
i have to design a pacman impressed at screen taht is depended by a dinamic number, also some like this 1234 123 12 1 12 123 1234 but i cant imagine ...
[2 replies] Last: thans ill do by for - ill do by solved and yes, next time ill post the... (by Erecc)
dyld: library not loaded: libboost_serialization.dylib
I am running some code that has compiled however when i run the code i get the following error for the Boost library. The error is as follows... dyld: lib...
[1 reply] : You could try creating a symlink. (cd /opt/local/lib/ && sudo ln -s l... (by kbw)
Duplicate couts and missed code
Hello, I'm creating a program that runs on Linux and deals with getpid(), getppid(), fork(), wait(), and sleep() functions. For some reason, my cout lines dup...
[2 replies] Last: Do you realize that when your program encounters exit() the program st... (by jlb)
dlsym C++ problem. How to dynamically load C++ classes?
Hi, everyone! I need help very much with C++ on linux. Problem is, that I can dlsym "C" functions, even classes, but I cann't access class methods at all. Eithe...
[5 replies] Last: I'm learning for myself new methods and will need it for own projects.... (by phoenix911)
by jaxder
*.cpp vs Main.cpp
I am a student who is turning in homework (no, I'm not trying to get you guys to do my homework for me). When I compile my code in Linux Mint, I use the termina...
[4 replies] Last: > it's better than running the default ./a.out ¿why? Well, you know... (by TheIdeasMan)
by alexBB
functions position
I have Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux g++ compiler for c++14 I have a strange situation. Let's consider a large program with two functions located far apart: functio...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I got it. (by alexBB)
Segementation Error utmp.h
So I am trying to get the time of login struct utmp log ; while(read(Ofile, log, sizeof(log)) == sizeof(log)) { printf("%-9s %-12s %-...
[1 reply] : How is this struct utmp declared ? (by Thomas1965)
how to use microphone for record voice in c++ ?!
hi guys ! i wanna write some program for record voice with microphone in c++ ! where i must read for this !?
[3 replies] Last: Try searching for C++ libraries that can let you control the MIC (by Unturned)
C++11 Best way of changing order of arbitrary elements in a vector into arbitrary positions?
What would be the best way to do the following? I would like to reverse a smaller range in a vector and haven't found any better solution than this: I extrac...
[1 reply] : That's a little bit crazy. https://joycemoreno.bandcamp.com/album/just... (by kbw)
by alexBB
Compilation errors.
Hi there. My environment is Ubuntu 14.04; C++ compiler is g++14 public : void legendreTransform (int NN,complex TotFourierTransf ,complex GaussLegTransf ,...
[13 replies] Last: Thank you fellas for your help which has been invaluable. I just compi... (by alexBB)
February 2016 Pages: 12
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