UNIX/Linux Programming - February 2010

Segmentation fault for threads
//Written for Ubuntun 9.10 using g++ in Netbeans 6.5.1 Header file: class threader { public: threader(); threader(const threader& orig); vir...
[6 replies] Last: There is just not enough detail in the code you have posted to say wit... (by PanGalactic)
Compile error on porting
Hi, I've been making a program in C++ for Windows, and now I'm trying to port it to linux. I already fixed some errors that came up to me, like I used _itoa_...
[2 replies] Last: Try: ofstream textFile( filePath.c_str() ); Here's a thread that... (by moorecm)
asm-generic headers
Hi, I'm trying to use the __cmpxchg_local_generic function I've found which on my ubuntu install is declared in: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-15/include/...
[2 replies] Last: OK, thanks, that clears up how I should make this function accesible f... (by robbbbbb)
Tutorials or Guide required on Qt4 Utility Libraries
Guys I have recently been working with Qt4 Libs and I suddenly felt that Qt is really an awfully lot powerful toolkit... Now, I have certain tutorials on bui...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=jsmith]Things like all of their containers come to mind... QStr... (by guestgulkan)
by michy
Hash/encrypt a password
hi there, is there any easier way to hash a password using MD5? coz i search most of the website is just the coding to do it, but is there any way to do it e...
[8 replies] Last: sorry being late reply, anyway thx for the solution. (by michy)
SDL problem...
Hello. I've just installed SDL for C++, but I'm getting an error saying that the file is not found... root@edward:~# g++ -Wall test.cpp -o test test.cpp:1:4...
[5 replies] Last: No problem. (by moorecm)
Segmentation fault in Linux but in Wine it works.
I wasn't sure what forum to put this in. Well, when I compiled my program in wine, and run it everything worked. But when I compiled it in Linux it the Fibonacc...
[5 replies] Last: PanGalactic's post shows the problem. @flykobe: you are just get... (by jsmith)
question on select
Hello All, The linux call 'select' takes first argument as maxfds+1. Does this have any significance. Why is that 'maxfds+1'? Thanks in advance nkumar
[4 replies] Last: If you see the source code of sys_select , you can find the core work ... (by flykobe)
This regarding the implementation of ARP in C++. Here we are working on a networking application, where we know the IP address of the host, we would like to kn...
[2 replies] Last: http://linux.die.net/man/7/arp Linux is indeed bad with documentati... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by shanky
Float representation
Hello people, I have an unusual problem. I have a C++ program which interacts with a backend(mysql database) on one side and a java program on other side. I ...
[1 reply] : You're getting formatted strings back, not floats. (by kbw)
Segmentation fault when calling virtual function from shared library
I am using gcc-4.2.3 on 64-Bit Linux System. My Source base is having 2-shared libraries, each shared library having one class implementation. One class is base...
[1 reply] : I did not understand your problem correctly. Please provide more infor... (by Biju Scaria)
Question about fork and exec
Whenever, I run this code, ls runs but I have to press the enter key before I get my bash prompt back, any idea what is the reason? How can I make it such that ...
[6 replies] Last: You have to add a wait() or waitpid() in the parent block. This will r... (by Biju Scaria)
5 dimensional array
seems to run find: But did i make any mistakes. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; template < class Tc> Tc T_chk( string& s) ...
[1 reply] : What you've done seems ok as far as it goes. You don't cope with co... (by kbw)
Learn about linking/compiling/assembly
I have a fairly solid fundamental knowledge of C and C++ as langauges, but I don't feel that I completely understand the compiling/linking/assembly process, esp...
[3 replies] Last: @kbw: thanks for the info, it's interesting, but not exactly what I wa... (by RedScare)
Hello, I heard that SDL is the best for importing images into c++. I installed it, but I don't know how to use it... Can someone help? Thanks.
[5 replies] Last: I design games mainly, but I want to build some basic applications lik... (by closed account y8h7M4Gy)
by MaxT
QT Toolkit
The problem I'm having at the moment is this. I have a thread running in my application which I want to emit a QT 'signal' when a function in the thread calls ...
[2 replies] Last: I managed to temporarily solve the problem by creating the instance of... (by MaxT)
wait X seconds implementation - C under linux
I have an UDP server and I need to close connection to a client after 10 seconds . How can I implement that ?
[4 replies] Last: Or hand off the socket to a thread that sleep()s for 10 seconds then c... (by PanGalactic)
Program wich co-operates with aircrack-ng
Hi all! I made a program which co-operates with aircrack-ng and macchanger and can make your life much easier in testing your WEP's modem security. It actually ...
[1 reply] : I've got two questions: 1) What's the added value of your program ?... (by lloydchristmas759)
C - Function that returns a random line from a file
I'm a beginner in C and I need a function or an idea of an implementation that returns a random line from a file .
[1 reply] : There isn't one. You can generate a random number (with rand()) and... (by kbw)
by Duras
Linux C++ tools ...
What is the best IDE for C/C++ in Linux? I'd like to start learning how to build some C/C++ programs with a little bit of a GUI on top in Linux, and I was wond...
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/articles/7263/ (by Bazzy)
February 2010 Pages: 12
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