by Tamara063
Linux Shell Programming. Implementing a Search, Find and Replace Technique
[1 reply] : Eg sed -i -e 's/haystack/needle/g' m... (by salem c)
by tejas129
Does using Bash count as Unix/Linux experience on cplusplus?
[3 replies] Last: as an intern the experience may not be expected to be very much. as i... (by jonnin)
by jonnin
How can a C/C++ program put itself into background?
[no replies]
by ToeMater
OpenCV, C++ Socket video stream
[no replies]
by prigiacomini
How extract the name of a file
[2 replies] Last: Helios I am sorry, i think it would reach different people. (by prigiacomini)
by marhuum
How can a bash code do a return completely while in nested call
[2 replies] Last: Some of the advice on that site is good (you almost always want to quo... (by uplime)
by ffej2ffej
Is my gcc configured right?
[3 replies] Last: When using a library it's quite common to have to add -l followed by... (by Peter87)
by bigups610
Structs and unsigned chars
[3 replies] Last: Image image <-- what is this? Image newImage ; <--- this one has a... (by jonnin)