UNIX/Linux Programming - December 2015

How to start make game engine
hi guys i wanna start make game engine with C++ . my OS is arch linux . how must start this way !!? (i know make game engine is very hard . pls dont say this a...
[4 replies] Last: I would recommend you to first read about game engines. What do they c... (by Gyiove)
How to get the name of connected ios phone in Linux programatically
How to get the Name of connected iphone device name in Linux, or c++ programming. basically, i use the Qt in Linux. and i want to get the name of connected ios ...
[no replies]
Ncurses - problem with mvwprintw at terminal end
Hello, here's my program: #include <iostream> #include <ncurses.h> #include <cstring> #include <chrono> #include <thread> using namespace std; i...
[1 reply] : I would check your return codes from all of the ncurses functions for ... (by koothkeeper)
Little problem in my small SDL game engine...
Hey guys so I have learned the basics of C++ and have decided to start making small 2d games as a hobby.I have decided to go with SDL2 as it is under zlib licen...
[1 reply] : SDL_QueryTexture(t,NULL,NULL,&sr->w,&sr->h); Here, you dereference ... (by cire)
shows performance issue while building the comma separted the value to single char*
hi folks, presently i am facing delay issue while making comma separted values . pls provide the valuable solution to resolve the issue.Below menti...
[1 reply] : Why not print/record the time where you have those debug statements? ... (by kbw)
Unix program
Hello, I have this program taken straight from the K&R textbook, which to converts a declaration into words. For example, char ** argv would evaluate to ar...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you shadowwolf, now it's working just a simple problem as that w... (by pacman169)
Will the compiled version run in Ubuntu 12.04?
Made a simple c++ program and compiled in Ubuntu 14.04 Will the compiled version run in 12.04?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, mates (by ephraimr)
by mizan
real vale random number
I am facing problem to generate random number in real value. Let us consider l=0.045, so i need the random value between 0.0025 to 0.040. Can anybody help me h...
[2 replies] Last: The appropriate function in C++ is std::uniform_real_distribution (ass... (by Cubbi)
cionsole application open in wxwidget
Hello, I am Beginner of WxWidget. I Use the CODE::BLOCK IDE in linux and open the wxwidget Application and then select the wxSmith.In a WxWidget Application -> ...
[no replies]
Location Of Command
Hi There.. I want to execute history command in linux terminal by using execl() function.. but this function requires the complete path of command to be e...
[6 replies] Last: Try the following: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/ (by Zhuge)
by riti
want to play an audio file in linux using c++
I want to know that is there any alternative library ïn linux to "MMSystems" in windows?
[1 reply] : I haven't used it myself, but I'd look into the ALSA api. I think the... (by mgoetschius)
Execl() function Arugments Error
Hi there.. I've been assigned to make a program in c++, that have to run on linux and print n most recent commands in history. If I only type history comma...
[4 replies] Last: Thank You So much.. you cleared my mind.. I can't tell in words how ha... (by ButchCavendish)
The C programming language 2nd edition page129
error? struct nlist *install(char *name, char *defn) { ...... if ((np = lookup(name)) == NULL) { /* not found */ np = (struct nlist *) malloc(sizeof(*np)...
[1 reply] : ¿Que? (by kbw)
Why are these headers included?
I am programming my first server and socket programs using a couple different tutorials. I started going through comment the code so that I am able to study it ...
[1 reply] : I think that I found the answer. Is this why? "Inclusion of the <arpa... (by diomedes)
CMake problem for a Gphoto2
For building the attached cpp file I receive CMAKE_MODULE_PATH error while running make command on Terminal. It uses Gphoto2 and OpenCV to capture live images ...
[no replies]
door programming
sounds like a terrible idea
[1 reply] : Nchamber was not the OP The original post was reported and removed (da... (by aquavillan)
How to combine two codes for real-time object detection on digital camera
Dear All: In order to perform a real-time object detection, I connected a Canon digital camera via usb to a Raspberry Pi 2 platform. Then I installed Gphoto2. ...
[no replies]
using CodeBlocks, missing management window
Well,so far unable to get the management window to display. Just installed CB 13.12 yesterday, removed and re-installed, can't get it to display I am hoping to...
[1 reply] : Have you tried pressing the Shift-F2 key combination? (by jlb)
by netta
constructors problems
hey, I've been trying to compile this code for a while but the shell says : "src/CyberWorm.cpp: In constructor ‘CyberWorm::CyberWorm()’: src/CyberW...
[2 replies] Last: thanks alot it wokrs now (by netta)
Command line program
Hello, Here is the task: Modify the program detab (written as exercises in Chapter 1) to accept a list of tab stops as arguments. Use the default tab set...
[12 replies] Last: The program expects a list of tabs as command line arguments. I chan... (by Shadowwolf)
December 2015 Pages: 12
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