[1 reply] : Certifications are not really worth much when things are constantly ch... (by ShodanHo)
g++ gcc error |
[3 replies] Last: As suggested, try other compiles: g++ -c Testing.cpp -o Testing.o -v ... (by ShodanHo)
by arortell
Cannot link pthread
[3 replies] Last: I got it fixed it by changing: find_package(Boost 1.56 COMPONENTS fi... (by arortell)
by Cataclismo
Compatibility between 32 and 64-bit
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure what you mean by compatibility issues . You have to ens... (by kbw)
by csstudent123
Best way to master linux
[17 replies] Last: I regret this. Glad to hear. (by mutexe)
by oleg9419
Meaning of * in bash
[4 replies] Last: thank you (by oleg9419)
Read and write blocks of SD card from userspace |
[1 reply] : Hello all, I get working WRITE and READ commands directly to the SD us... (by jcsistemas2001)
by gopal2773
Open Office automation using c++
[no replies]
by taC1337
Providing arguments using standard input and error
[2 replies] Last: prints out gibberish You should convert an int value into a charac... (by tcs)
by Sh0es
Exit Code 126 in Code::Blocks
[1 reply] : I don't know what the problem is and I don't have much experience with... (by Peter87)
by SuperStinger
Android Programming in C?
[1 reply] : Pretty much every cross-platform mobile game engine uses the NDK. You ... (by Avilius)
by Sh0es
Permission Error, Exit Code 126
[1 reply] : Where is your project located? (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
Adding a permanent path in Linux Mint |
[10 replies] Last: Thank you norm b, that worked :). Thanks to keskiverto for all his he... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by khanhdt6
addwstr function in ncurses
[1 reply] : Is this the only error message you got? (by Peter87)
by pacman169
Compiling program
[19 replies] Last: The above version is incomplete though. It`s not what it should be. I ... (by pacman169)
by csstudent123
Standard i/o
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by csstudent123)
by dapontes
[3 replies] Last: (by megatron 0)
by kam hagh
can't make glew
[2 replies] Last: thanks, weird, there wasn't such thing in my readme 0_0 (by kam hagh)
by Arkl1ne5
overloading operator+ as addition and using concatenation
[3 replies] Last: Peter87, could you tell me more about std::ostringstream? (by Arkl1ne5)
by suko123
Programming in Linux
[3 replies] Last: What is it that you're having trouble with? The overloading? The setup... (by Arkl1ne5)