UNIX/Linux Programming - April 2017

by debo13
Error compiling when including tr1/memory
Hello, I have got a strange error with a very simple code : #include <tr1/memory> int main(){ return 0 ; } The error is : command-line:0:5:...
[5 replies] Last: These problems are very common and I recommend detecting them as quick... (by benhart)
Segmentation fault on linux
Sorry that I am new to linux, I don't know how can I fix the Segmentation fault. I will be very grateful if anyone can help me. #include <iostream> #include...
[13 replies] Last: As a new I recommend taking some courses on the web as they can really... (by benhart)
[1 reply] : Design a program Yes that is a good idea :+) You need to do more... (by TheIdeasMan)
by romeoo
Malloc and Free unsigned char!?
please help me. i want to Read/Write fingerprint module by serial port, and to this approaches i should be send and received HEX code, so i defined any unsign...
[8 replies] Last: /* malloc example:*/ #include <stdio.h> /* printf, scanf, NULL */ #i... (by archdev)
How to display the longest word in a string.
In my code, I am trying to display the longest word within my text file. I've seen been successful in actually getting the program to read and output a word but...
[6 replies] Last: @TAdgoke You should say who's post answered your question, why was it... (by boost lexical cast)
SQLite & C++ in Code::Blocks, -l -pthread mystery
I'm trying to move things from Windows to Linux, with SQLite, but things are not 1:1. I can use sqlite3 from terminal. Using this Sqlite tutorial: https://www...
[7 replies] Last: It looks like adding dl in the Debug, Linker Settings, Link lib... (by Steve02)
copying one chartor at a time
Hi, I want to copy "hello" letter by letter but when it hits e i want to skip it so that it prints "hllo"..I have used the following code but when it gets to e ...
[2 replies] Last: how do i make it so the "cin" is the variable and the "cout" would be ... (by badboy1245)
Beep ( )
How do I make C++ beep ( ) working on my Mac. I know it's stupid but I add windows.h. My code is here #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <win...
[2 replies] Last: Never knew Mac was related to UNIX/Linux. If it was Linux I would find... (by boost lexical cast)
Program runs incorrectly when not run in terminal
I am running Linux (Debian Jessie 8.7 stable) with the LXDE desktop environment. I have created a program which notifies me of events when the time is appropri...
[2 replies] Last: @Peter87 [quote=Peter87]The working directory is probably different w... (by boost lexical cast)
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