how to program graphics in gcc

can any one please tell me how to program graphics with gcc , what libraries should i use , ? unlike turbo c++ gcc does not have <graphics.h> library
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For GUI/widget programming I like wxWidgets:

For Game programming I like SDL:

Both are available in standard distribution packages (use apt-get, synaptic, whatever). Both have interfaces to work with OpenGL. Both have ports to multiple platforms.

Those of course are not your only options -- but those are the ones I personally prefer.
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you need to learn some basic maths also to program in opengl. a couple of books like:

Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers By Wendy Stahler
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics 2nd Ed. Eric Lengyel,
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development Fletcher Dunn, Ian Parberry,
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