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* Author: Ima Student
* Date: April 7th, 2009
* Description: Program to encode messages using an ASCII substitution cypher
using namespace std;
void get_input(string& message, int& key);//declarations
vector<char> encrypt(string message, int key);
void display(vector<char> encrypted);
void save_file(vector<char> encrypted);
int main ()
string message;
int key;
get_input(message, key);
vector<char> encrypted = encrypt(message, key);
return 0;//Is the driver for all of the functions
void get_input(string& message, int& key)
cout << "Please enter the message to be encrypted on a single line: " << endl;
getline(cin, message);
cout << "Please enter a key between 1 and 100 for use in encrypting your message: ";
cin >> key;//standard enough, read in the input of the message, including whitespace, and stores it in the string "message" also takes the key value
vector<char> encrypt(string message, int key)
vector<char> encrypted;
for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++){
if (int(message[i]) + key > 126){//keeps the encoding in the regular ASCII keyset, also prevents the use of the DEL char
encrypted.push_back(char(32 + ((int(message[i]) + key) - 127)));//adds a charecter to the vector "encrypted" and wraps the count back to 'space'
encrypted.push_back(char(int(message[i]) + key));//adds a charecter to the vector "encrypted"
}//uses the method push_back, which add a charecter at the end of the current vector, after the current last element
cout << endl;
return encrypted;
void display(vector<char> encrypted){
cout << "After encrypting your message reads:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < encrypted.size(); i++){
cout << encrypted[i];
}//uses a for loop to display all the elements of the vector, the loop is kept in bounds by the use of the built in function size()
cout << endl;
void save_file(vector<char> encrypted){
ofstream output_file;
for (int i = 0; i < encrypted.size(); i++){
output_file << encrypted[i];
}//almost the same as above, excepet instead of outputting to the terminal, outputs a file, supposedly for "dillivery".
output_file << endl;