Threading in C++

Hi all,

I am about to use threading in a C++ application for performance reasons. I have read that Boost library ( and commoncpp by gnu are popular. Does anyone have any pros. and cons for these to alternatives? And does anyone have any other alternative? Commercial licenced libraries is OK.

Also does anyone have a book to recommend in the subject, that is, threading in C++ under Linux?

I have some basic experience with posix threads in C using vxworks and some other realtime operating systems but threads in C++ under Linux is new to me.

Best regards Mikael

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I have used the Boost.Thread library and recommend it.
you can use ACE threads also. ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment) by Douglas C. Schmidt.
in linux u can use clone() system call , with apropriate flags set , u can even decide to what extend those two threads should share the memory...
I would suggest you stick to pthreads in linux. It has everything you need. Also, boost mutexes are pretty slow compared to pthread.
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