libwebcam installation pt 2

so i have gotten the tarball for libwebcam-0.1.1 and extracted it, and went through the process to get it to install. (i had to install libxml2) here is what i input into my terminal
$cd libwebcam-0.1.1
$sudo mkdir build
$cd build
$sudo make cmake ..
//which gave me the output "build files written to libwebcam-0.1.1/build"
$sudo make

that last command there, it gets me every time. it gives me this error:
libwebcam.c:48:22:error:uvcvideo.h: No such file or directory

then it goes on to tell me that there are a few functions i never defined, most likely defined in that header file. how do i fix this? i thought i had uvcvideo installed... is that what it is, or is this totally different?


The first thing I would do is find that header file. The second thing I would do is look at the includes in libwebcam.c.... Maybe grep for uvcvideo.h being included in another file that is included in libwebcam.c, etc...
okay, so i downloaded the source for libwebcam.h from here:

and put it in the /usr/include directory. so it now no longer gives me that error.
but now, it seems to be having some other problems making:
uvcvideo.h:60:error: expected ':' ';' '}' ...... ',' or '_attribute_' token before '*' token

and then additionally, it does not recognize a few of the functions still, like V4L2_CID_PANTILT_RESET

how do i fix this? is there any version of libwebcam that comes just ready to install?

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