About installing Qt creator by downloading binaries from qt.nokia.com

Has anyone tried installing Qt creator by downloading binaries from qt.nokia.com?

The website recommends downloading the entire SDK which is 700 MB odd in size. I can't download a file of that size using my internet connection. Anyway what I really need is Qt creator which requires downloading about 130 MB packages from the repositories. I can't access the repos on my internet connection either.

I'd like to know if it'd be sufficient to download the Qt creator binary file and the Qt libraries from the website and install them. All I need to do is to create a simple GUI in C++. I don't have to make any embedded or mobile application.

Please reply if you have any experience regarding this.

I am using Qt Creator but only for command line apps. You might get better answers in Qt forums, they are helpful:


Thanks for replying vincegata. I installed it from the repos.
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