while working on our institution's LAN i was reqiured to copy a whole folder using the sftp command........
we searched a lot for the command but we did not find any good results....
we temporarily use the mget command but still i would surely like to know if there is a command through which u can copy a whole folder using the sftp command..........
Warning: Be careful when copying between hosts files that have the same names; you may accidently overwrite them.
The syntax for the scp command is as follows:
For example, if user dvader is on a computer called empire.gov, and wants to copy a file called file1.txt to a directory called somedir in his account on a computer called deathstar.com, he would enter the following:
scp file1.txt dvader@deathstar.com:somedir
Likewise, if he wanted to copy the entire contents of the somedir directory on
deathstar.com back to his empire.gov account, he would enter:
scp -r somedir/ dvader@deathstar.com:somedir/ (somedir=folder).
scp -r dvader@deathstar.com:somefolder somefolder
sudo scp -r myPearl/ cs@cony.jsandov.com:
This is to copy myPearl/ entire folder to cs@cony.jsandov.com: home directory
Similarly, if he is working on another computer, but wanted to copy a file called
file1.txt from his home directory on empire.gov to a directory called somedir in his