MySQL Connector/C++

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and Netbeans IDE for C++ development work.
I am not able to setup my MySQL Connector/C++ properly its all mess.

Anybody if have tried it before and done it properly can please help me out.

Thanks in Advance

Install the package libmysqlcppconn-dev from the repos, then add /usr/include/cppconn to the include directories and mysqlcppconn to the link libraries of your project.
Thanks Athar

will you please explain little how to add directories to include directories.

Thanks in Advance
I wouldn't use NetBeans for C++ development, it's mainly a Java IDE.
In Code::Blocks, you do it in Project/Build options/Search directories.

In NetBeans it can be done in the project settings ("C++ compiler" for include directories and "Linker" for libraries).
can you please tell me which IDE you prefer to use for C++ in Ubuntu as same problem i find is that the developers of Netbeans mainly focus on Java
and yes thanks my program is working.
you are a Genius.

Can I talk to you on facebook I'll be highly glad.
can you please tell me which IDE you prefer to use for C++ in Ubuntu

Since the version that comes with Ubuntu 10.04 is very old, it's a good idea to add an additional repository in order to update to the latest version:

Can I talk to you on facebook I'll be highly glad.

Sorry, but I don't have an account on Facebook.
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