makefile mkdir

I am trying to create subdirectories under my ../objs directory within a make file.

my ../src directory has the following subdirectories:

so, I want to label the subdirectories under my ../objs directory with the same names as those in the ../src directory, so that I have:


I have written the following code:

SRCDIR = $(shell echo ../src/*)
OBJDIR = ../objs

subdirname :=$(notdir $(basename $(SRCDIR)))
objdirs := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(subdirname))

all: makedir

makedir: $(objdirs)
mkdir $^

but that is not working, I get an error message as follows:
make: *** No rule to make target `../objs/source-a', needed by `makedir'. Stop.

How do I fix this?

You need a tab before mkdir $^ (I think).
I do have a just didn't show up when I copied and pasted on the post here :-(
I don't have any local examples :(

I did find this with Google. Someone's posted exactly what you want.
thanks kbw, I appreciate the link :-)
hi kbw,
my subdirname variable above returns the following values:


if I wanted the second value to be source instead of source.1.1, do I need to use sed or is there a more straightforward and simple way of extracting the info.

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