I have made a C program that produces data for food-web network i.e. it generates the data of network consisting of species (NODES) and predator-prey interactions (LINKS). As my program runs, I keep evolving/changing the network at regular intervals of time i.e. the no. of nodes & links change.
Now to visualize a particular network, I can use the software PAJEK.
But since I have network evolution in regular intervals, I need to visualize all the networks that are generated due to the network evolution.
How do I interface Pajek with my C program, so that whenever I do a network evolution in the program, I form a new image of the network using Pajek (and thus enabling me to form images of all the networks whose data I generate) ? OR should I use a shell script for the same ?
(I am working in Linux and am running Pajek using wine.)
Whichever way, please suggest me a solution since a very important and urgent work of mine is fast approaching the deadline and getting delayed just because of my inability to visualize my networks.
Whenever we want to do interfacing to any third party software it hinges heavily on that software if they expose any API for external programs to call them. If it doesn't then the most logical way is to feed input to the software and then get the output. Based on output we use our program to work on it.