How to get line of inputs and outputs in the following case

Hi , some help needed i have the following task: reads a sequence of positive numbers and prints out their binary numeral system representations.

im done with the change code with decimal to binary which is the following:

using namespace std;

int main()

int dec, len;
string bin;

cout << "Please enter a decimal number:" << endl;
cin >> dec;

bin = "";

while (dec != 0)
if (dec % 2 == 0)
bin.insert(0, "0");
bin.insert(0, "1");
dec = dec / 2;

cout << "The equivalent binary number is: " << bin << endl << endl;


but still im troubled about something , and that is that my teacher asks for a sequense of number ( like in one line) SO i though of making cin>>dec in a loop but still it would be a single entry in a loop so i was thinik if anyone could modify my code so it would input and output like the following program (which inputs a sequance of strings and outputs them in reverse charecter order)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main (int argc, char** argv)
const string delims(" \t,.;");
string line;

// for every line read successfully
while (getline(cin,line)) {
string::size_type begIdx, endIdx;

// search beginning of the first word
begIdx = line.find_first_not_of(delims);

// while beginning of a word found
while (begIdx != string::npos) {
// search end of the actual word
endIdx = line.find_first_of (delims, begIdx);
if (endIdx == string::npos) {
// end of word is end of line
endIdx = line.length();

// print characters in reverse order
for (int i=endIdx-1; i>=static_cast<int>(begIdx); --i) {
cout << line[i];
cout << ' ';

// search beginning of the next word
begIdx = line.find_first_not_of (delims, endIdx);
cout <<" - is the reverse"<< endl;

thank u, for ure time
Just to note that i have problem with this cuz the teached didnt stop on the ways of input and output very well.
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