I would like to ask for help with getting all the MAC addresses of a computer. I just need a "hello world!" type program, wich lists the mac addresses. Any suggestions?
hey, jsmith, do you happen to do some kind *nix system programming for work? Or perhaps you maintain an open source OS in your spare time?
You seem to have a wealth of knowledge on *nix arcana and machine level details - I have to dust off Stevens to get anything close to what seems to just spill out of you!
I was just wondering because there is so much in that tome that I should really spend the time to read/learn... ...speaking of which, I think I will go find Stevens and leave it next to my computer so I can read it bit by bit in between compiles!
Quite a bit of both... I have done some driver development and understand how the kernel scheduler works, how sockets work and how a few other things work even if I haven't
written any code in those parts.
The majority of my coding is at the application level though.