STL Map Using more CPU

I am using STL Map for storing 20000 records. I am inserting, finding and erasing records from this Map. But these operations are taking CPU usage of 20% for 20000 records. I have also tried boost::unordered_map for this task but its taking little more CPU than STL Map. Hence I am looking for a simple HashTable so that my insertiongs, finding and erasing will be fast. Can you please suggest me whether i am correct. If so which hashtable will be better for my logic?
Are you (inadvertently) generating temporaries in your code? Without seeing it, there's not much to do.
Also, a map of what to what?
But these operations are taking CPU usage of 20% for 20000 records.

What's that supposed to mean? The CPU usage should be 100% during the time it takes for the operations to complete.
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