Appending a string and passing it through a function. POD error

I need to have string data read from a profile box using gtkmm and then passed through a function. I keep getting a "POD cannot be passed through" error. I'm aware this is an issue, but I don't know how to get around it. This is the main excerpt from my code that pertains to the problem:

void mainWindow::on_connect_button_pressed()
// here is where you can connect to whatever
// system("./"); //this runs a local script in the same directory

Glib::ustring stringy = profile_box.get_active_text();

Glib::usting profilename = ("./profiles/");
profilename += stringy;

// for now I just display in the textview
Glib::ustring str("You clicked the Connect button\n");

Gtk::TextIter iter = buffer->end();
buffer->insert(iter, str);


execl ("/home/oem/xwtest/xwii", "xwii", profilename, (char *)NULL);


For example, this should result in the line being read into the function as:

execl ("/home/oem/xwtest/xwii", "xwii", "./profiles/Dpad_mouse.xwii", (char *)NULL);

How could I do this?
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