Getting image width and height


Does anybody know how to get image width and height in c++ on linux machine?


Sorry for my bad english.
Your English is perfect. Don't apologize for doing your best. Many of us here speak several different languages and empathize.

As for your question, it depends entirely on the image file format. Getting the dimensions of a GIF will be done entirely differently than for a PNG, etc.

You might want to check out ImageMagick, a free-to-use library that understands a zillion image formats. It is available for all major operating systems.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, i haven't found my answer yet, but still, you answered some of my other questions, like resizing, water marking etc.

Best regards
Sorry for my previous post, i just found my answer, if you are interested then it's called Magick++ based on imagemagick, if i understood correctly, then it is a lib.

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