How to place multiple project in one list view in Xcode?

Dear friends,

I am a beginner. I have used Python in Eclipse. One nice thing I like is that I can quickly view and access different main scripts in one list at project explorer.

But now I am coding in C++ in Xcode. It seems one project can only has one main script, thus only one main script in the project explorer list. I am practicing many coding challenge tasks. I prefer I can have one main script for each coding challenge task and put them in one list for easier review and study. Can I?


I haven't used XCode, I'm guessing it's an IDE for Mac...

Try out some different IDE's out there before you settle down to just one. There are dozens out there that are in common use, and generally you'll find one that fits your workflow. Eclipse actually can be used for c++ for instance, perhaps you need the right plugins...

CodeBlocks is a very common IDE, pretty sure it's available on Mac.

Honestly I've only played on a Mac once or twice, but I'm certain there's a lot more out there to try.

Is there a "Welcome" screen on XCode? That's a common place where IDE's tend to list all the projects that you've worked on recently.
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Thank you. Yes, I noticed Eclipse can and I installed the plug-in and then can not compile. So I decide use Xcode for C++ and Eclipse for Python.

This is a welcome window but only lists those recently. I prefer listing all like what I had on my Python projects in Eclipse.

I may need to find out why my comilation failed on Eclipse OR switch to other IDE.

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