How to program an AVR chip in Linux


I recently got an AVRISmkII AVR programmer, and I have an ATtiny85(datasheet and ATmega328(datasheet I was wondering how I could program these chips (with the programmer) but when I try getting Atmel Studio 6 it is only for Windows. Is there a way I could use in Linux (Ubuntu specifically)? Ant suggestions?

There is a port of GCC available. On my distribution, it's available as avr-gcc.

Compile using that and (statically) link it into an ELF file.
Then run objcopy over it to obtain an IHEX version. You'll need to select (at least) the text and data sections. The result can be flashed onto the board via some port (/dev/TTYACMx, usually) using a program named "avrdude".

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