First of all, "hakermania?" "A 15 year old child with the purpose of [...] "hacking" WEP modems?" What the hell? Grow up. Anyway, modems are usually associated with wired dialup (serial connections ftw!), not wireless.
Secondly, "hakermania?" What the hell is wrong with you? You don't just say "HAY D00DZ, I KNOW BASIC C++, I AM 1337 HAXX0R NOW, RITE?"
Thirdly, you're actually
suggesting that someone should use system()?
Fourth, what is the point of that program? Not only do you assume the locations of all those scripts (hardcoded much), but you also provide a completely pointless command-line interface to these scripts anyway (scripts that you probably didnt write yourself, I might add).
Fifth, you used scanf completely wrong. There is no "%int," to store a decimal integer you use %d.
Sixth, what the hell is up with that formatting? And why do your lines go so far off the screen?
1 2 3
printf("string one"
"string two"
will be concatenated into
printf("string onestring two");
Finally, "hakermania?" GTFO. Seriously.