I'm having some trouble with my makefile rules. I'm sure that I can make it much simpler than it is but I'm not sure how.
My folder structure looks like this:
\- bin - Contains binary outputs (executables, dynamic, and static libraries)
| \- liboutput.a
\- inc - Contains an export of headers to be used with this library.
| \- <module>
| \- *.hpp
\- int - Contains intermediate binaries (.o, .d)
| \- *.o
| \- *.d
\- src - Contains all sources and headers in this library
\- <module> - sources are split logically by smaller modules
\- *.hpp
\- *.cpp
These are the rules I'd like to follow:
1. for each <module> specified in the makefile:
A. Compile all src/<module>/*.cpp into int/*.o
B. Copy all src/<module>/*.hpp into inc/<module>/*.hpp
2. Link all int/*.o to produce bin/output.a