TCP Server Send List of Files in Directory to Client

I am writing a simple TCP-based iterative server program in which the server accepts a connection from the client and then sends a list of files in it's default directory. How does a server program access this list of files and then send them to the client? Furthermore, how do you send the contents of a particular file based on client selection? TIA
How does a server program access this list of files

just like any other program, with directory_iterator or recursive_directory_iterator.
They were just added to ISO C++ in the draft C++17, and until your compiler of choice adds support for it, they are avilable in boost: and

how do you send the contents of a particular file

Read the file into a buffer (e.g. with ifstream::read), send the buffer to the client (e.g. with boost::asio::write or boost::asio::async_write). There are some nice shortcuts, e.g. if you're using TCP streams, it's the one-liner tcp << file.rdbuf().. but you didn't mention whether you're using asio or something else. I strongly recommend asio, because it is also going to become part of standard C++ (likely in the next revision after C++17). It also has many easy tutorials and examples
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