
Can anyone help me out in this following issues in network programming ...
1)I can't understand the basic definition of why we use struct ifreq,ioctl;

2)Then I Can't Understand why we assign eth0 in ifreq's name member;

3)Can anyone clearly tell me what a socket is ,becoz i have a doubt whether a socket is something like buffer or what it is ?I can't get a clearcut idea;

4)What an accept,connect,bind,listen will do;

5)what is socket address structure,what does it really mean,is it something like an address or what?

6)Can the client & server be running in same machine,why is it so?

Advance Thanks...
Even if u help me in 1 answer,it will help me a lot,please help me out!!!
1. These provide low level control of network devices. You wouldn't normally use them in that form, it at all.

2. You obviously have some code you're not telling us about. The code's probably trying to read or configure the first ethernet port, which on Linux is eth0.

3. A socket is a communication end point in the sockets library.

4. These are functions in the sockets library; server side calls.

5. You probably want to start learning about sockets at this point.

6. Yes. Because the internet protocol, IP, specifies a loop back interface, which allows networked applications to run on the same machine. You probably want to learn about TCP/IP too.
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