I'm using vanilla Gnome on Arch Linux. I've made changes to Gnome's default window manager and I'm having trouble figuring out how to test/install my changes.
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$ git clone git://git.gnome.org/mutter mutter
$ cd mutter
<make code changes>
$ ./autogen.sh
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo shutdown -r now
I expect that I reboot with my changes active. However I've noticed that my changes have no effect. Since I'm not sure how to run this with a debugger, I've been using fprintf() in a bunch of places, but the output file (/tmp/mutterDebug.txt) isn't created. Actually, I'm not even sure that mutter (default WM for Gnome3) is even running.
$ ps -ef | grep "mutter"
doesn't yeild anything, and searching for other common WMs (i.e. metacity) also seems to have no results.
Any ideas on how to install/debug in this enviornment would be appreciated.
It seems that the install script does work. Though a reboot will put me in some out-of-the-box window manager, if I type
$ mutter --replace
I can get my code to run. I'm not sure which WM is running on startup or how to get mutter to be the default WM. Note that when I run this command, the rest of gnome-shell stops so I loose all ALT+TAB, panels, or lense functionality. Therefore I really need to be able to boot with the proper WM.