Hi, I'm trying to make this
poker library to run so it could be included and used in a simple
file opened by simple text editor and compiled in terminal using
g++ -o my_prog my_cpp.cpp |
Instruction tells that I need the following installed on my platform of choice:
boost, version 1.46 or higher
cmake, version 2.4 or higher
subversion, version 1.7 or higher
I did it using
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev cmake subversion |
Also installed GNU C++ compiler like this
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
gcc -v
make -v |
and git using
I runed all these commands from my home directory (i think, not very experienced with ubuntu)
It looked like this for example
girts@girts-ThinkPad-E520:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential |
Everything runed super smoothly and I was very pleased with not getting tons of errors.
Next I followed these instructions
To build under linux using cmake, create a build directory, invoke cmake on the programs directory, then build. |
Again i did it from my home folder if it means anything and didnt get any errors
Next the creator of the library says
You should then be able to execute the simple command line example: |
~/cmake/programs$ ./programs/ps-eval/ps-eval |
When i runed this command from my current directory
girts@girts-ThinkPad-E520:~/pokerstove/src/build$ |
all i was getting was this :
bash: /home/girts/cmake/programs$: No such file or directory |
Is there anything I did wrong here? Any tips would be really appreciated.