Hi, right now im working through Bjarne Stroustup's : "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition)" so yea im a begginer. But the things im looking to learn next including assembly and more advenced C++ (probably C also and after that a lot more) is being able to write programs and understanding really low level programming stuff. Including understanding how to work with incoming and outgoing internet signal, writing drivers and basically all the computer hardware stuff there is.
Would love to see good books for starting to go in those directions, im sure after that ill have a good feeling what to read next similar like with C++ (but u can recommend good stuff to read next about C++ as well).
This is what im looking at so far
ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition
Assembly Language for x86 Processors (7th Edition)
The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition
C++ Concurrency in Action: Practical Multithreading
Advanced C++ Metaprogramming
How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know
The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
Linux Bible
Beej's Guide to Network Programming
C: The Complete Reference, 4th Ed. (If i would know pretty good C++ by that time i think i could understand most of C reading this?)
I would love to see some guidelines where to start :) Take your time - no list of books will be too long :D