How are most key events handled in linux? For instance, I'm wanting to create a temporary daemon that catches events from my laptops volume wheel and increases the volume directly or indirectly through a mixer I use.
The page references a program at the bottom that may get you going in the right direction.
If it's under X, then the functionality may already exist and just require that you map the key codes from your volume wheel. On Fedora, I have a System|Preferences|Personal|Keyboard Shortcuts option that lets me map all of the keys from my MS Natural Multimedia keyboard.
I don't want something based on X, especially since it's not needed. I would like to catch events outside of X because I'm trying to get a non-x music environment so it doesn't waste battery while on the road. If worse comes to worse, I'll just see how X Windows did it and then try and branch off that method if it's valid.