Learning on my own => C++.
Been using codeblocks as my IDE on Arch Linux.
I use the following function to clear my terminal throughout my program.
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void Clear_Screen(bool RESET)
if (!cur_term)
int result = 0;
if (result <=0)
putp(tigetstr( "clear"));
if (RESET == true)
putp(tigetstr( "rs1"));
no errors building
whenever I run the program it works flawless!
When I use debug the "clear" does not perform as I would like but instead the output just scrolls.
This is because the "int result;" is returning a -1 when observed through the debugger - hence no clear.
I found that -1 is the return for "An error occurred while locating the terminfo database."
I used devilspie to find that the window open when the program is ran is called "CB_Console_Runner" and when in Debug it is called "sleep".
What is behind the no clear??
So I changed over to QT Creator IDE and found that the debug and run terms are both called QTCreator_process_stub and that in both my clear function fails to clear - compiles but as mentioned earlier result is returned as -1.
What is causing this???