C++ networking Question

How would i do networking with C++?

I new to network programming newbie.
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Maybe this is something you are looking for?

Boost Asio has networking features.
UNIX network programming by stevens (vol1 & vol2)
Where do i go if i want to make my own socket lib?
1. It's best to understand network programming first, it's not trivial. The books recomended above are excellent.

2. Then you might want to understand what's been done to date.

3. Then if you still feel there's something missing, you can add your own.

To do otherwise is to waste your time.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
It might be for a learning experience! Though I do agree to an extent... I wanted to look into this pretty soon as well just to learn how it worked. I've never really layed a finger on it and I'm curious as hell.
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