Lounge - November 2015 (Page 2)

DigitalRap - New site
check it out , make an account. message the admin what you think. feedback needed http://digitalrap.boards.net/
[2 replies] Last: Wondering what it is all about? (by coder777)
by eveeve
how to retrieve deleted text messages on android?
There are many android phone users, and losing important phone numbers or text messages from it happens unexpectedly. But if you need to recover them, you can u...
[no replies]
Linux (1,2,3,4)
I've noticed a lot of people recently saying that Linux (especially Ubuntu) is better for programming (with the exception of the lack of Visual Studio which I h...
[71 replies] Last: @LB It appears that you have your own considered philosophy - I am ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Why a 3D printing Mega-store doesn't exist yet?
I think there would be a amazing market for a super-market among 3D printing. What are some ideas that you think would be great in the current boom of technolog...
[4 replies] Last: Dude don't worry. With such improvements in 3D printing done every day... (by John66)
by Wpgn
C++ to Delphi guide lines is there any?
Like title says is there any online resources that give you guide lines or help converting c++ to pascal(delphi) I have seen loads of converters for delphi to c...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the advice :) (by Wpgn)
by LB
One size fits all
Today I learned: C++ does not have a single one-size-fits-all way to bring an arbitrary name into the current scope. It has three: using a::b; works anywhere...
[11 replies] Last: @goosestuf: ideally it shouldn't matter what something is. There sho... (by LB)
Printing large prime number (1,2,3)
Any one knows how to print prime number of large number of digits about 1000 digits
[52 replies] Last: Printing a 1000 digit prime number is fairly easy. Finding it is the h... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
"void main not found" OpenGL
I cannot not for the life of me figure out, what the problem is. I have tried for the past week, but I've had no luck. Apparently, when compiling; the shade...
[4 replies] Last: Wait never mind I see what you are saying. Thanks for the help cire, c... (by Student555)
Take down infected forum
I have only been on this site a few times so im not sure who would have the authority to do this but this topic: www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/100358/ is infe...
[3 replies] Last: because a) thats not how the internet works b) one random webpage crea... (by nchambers)
by mi011
Array[0]! What am I missing? Thanks :)
The output should be like this: Grade 1: 90 Grade 2: 86 Grade 3: 95 Grade 4: 76 Grade 5: 92 Grade 6: 83 Grade 7: 100 Grade 8: 87 Grade 9: 91 Grade 10:...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you so MUCH I got it :) (by mi011)
What do people make of the open frameworks and that project generator?
Im doing a c++ module at uni; I was supposed to do Java instead of c++, this is because games programming has a c++ course and computer science thinks that...
[15 replies] Last: That was a good read LB, but Iwould never assume I would know anythin... (by devonrevenge)
CMake Made Easy
Hey Guys! Whilst helping my friend learn C++ I wanted an easier way for him to manage libraries and set up projects. This lead me to start development on a p...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, I've used biicode myself for some of my projects. The only issue ... (by LB)
by LB
Why is compiling on Windows such a nightmare? (1,2,3)
I do everything on Windows - my personal stuff, my school stuff, my development, etc. I have very few complaints with the OS. But something has always bothered ...
[40 replies] Last: @Ispil: generally cross-compilation requires the headers and libraries... (by LB)
November 2015 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [oct2015] [dec2015]

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