Lounge - November 2013 (Page 4)

by dilver
hello everybody I found a type of URL that is not very usual : http://www.example.com_newlife/ is the underscore something normal ? is the URL somethi...
[5 replies] Last: Yep, That's what I meant. (by S G H)
Is there any Turk other than me?
Hi guys, I wonder if there is any other Turk. Btw are we allowed to speak in other languages here?
[3 replies] Last: How can I contact them (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
are ident servers supposed to sit and wait for a connection or are they constantly listening?
check this pseudo code for an Ident server, would I have this on a separate thread constantly looping or would I just have it waiting for a connection on the ma...
[1 reply] : well according to wikipedia's definition: [quote=wikipedia]The Ident P... (by Script Coder)
Installation of mpg123
Hello I just wanted to know if anyone here has installed mpg123 with C::B or VS. I tried just adding the sources to my project directory but that doesn't wor...
[3 replies] Last: I guess IrrKlang is just the lib for the job for playing mp3 files(for... (by The illusionist mirage)
Chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken http://www.uproxx.com/technology/2013/06/unsecured-wireless-printer-prank-chicken-report/
[8 replies] Last: I guess I should try that too since my maths teacher is also not much ... (by The illusionist mirage)
by Splux
VS2012 redistributable
Hi. So, tried to download it today, but, seems like Microsoft has some issues right now and the English version happens to be in Chinese or something. ( htt...
[2 replies] Last: @OrionMaster: Thanks. My language skills in pretty much all Asian la... (by Splux)
by Disch
Random rant on US perception of religion (1,2,3,4,5)
We can still make religious topics in here, right? That's not banned yet? I'm not trying to complain about anything here... I'm just trying to shed light on...
[99 replies] Last: We Devonians are a proud people, we will never forget what the British... (by devonrevenge)
Windows 8: it's decided to pss me off... again...
I use Windows 8, and from the start it and I did not get along. I beat it into submission (after a few months of figureing out all the weapons microsoft had gi...
[4 replies] Last: nope. I fixed it though. I was right: a symptom of installation, not... (by IWishIKnew)
by LB
Guaranteed order of global initialization (1,2)
For a long time now I have wanted to make a design whereby classes would call functions by initializing global variables so as to add themselves to a global fac...
[35 replies] Last: This thread is awesome, thanks everyone. I'm adding this to my bookmar... (by LB)
ChessPlusPlus Questions (1,2)
OK I keep thinking I have time to contribute to this, but life keeps proving me wrong. Anyways, here's another one of those times, and I'm hitting a snag. I'...
[31 replies] Last: @ResidentBiscuit: then you'll love what I am currently obsessing mys... (by LB)
Life after college
This is a fairly straight forward topic, which might seem a bit personal but considering there was a picture thread not so long ago it's seemingly more appropri...
[14 replies] Last: I beleive that minimum wage for under 18s is a lot lower, hence my mis... (by TheBeardedQuack)
good freeware/open source circuit design software
I'm tired of working by hand on this stuff, anyone here have a favorite or know of a really good one?
[4 replies] Last: KiCad EDA Software Suite. http://www.kicad-pcb.org/display/KICAD/KiCad... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
need help with my navigation bar
so here is what it looks like right now http://imgur.com/VTwEaB2 i want to make the navigation bar so that its centered and only as long as the items is. here i...
[no replies]
Robotics engineer
I'm thinking of taking robotics engineering as my career, but had a few questions: 1. Is it related to computer programming in any way? 2. Is it easy to g...
[1 reply] : I can only answer 1, since I know very little on the field. 1) Yes, t... (by closed account 9wqjE3v7)
Procedural Generation
Has anyone attempted procedural generation? It sounds amazing and very helpful but from what I hear it also seems to be incredibly difficult.
[1 reply] : I was going to for a Voxel Engine, but I lost interest. Look up 'Perl... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by LB
3D Camera Math (1,2,3)
I'm new to 3D math, and am experimenting with 3D via SFML+OpenGL. The way my current camera system is set up is I have two 3D vectors (the mathematical vecto...
[43 replies] Last: Thanks, you're right. Somehow I had this cognitive dissonance between ... (by LB)
by Disch
Looking for name suggestions (1,2)
So I've been spending a few hours of week to work on a really old project of mine. And it's getting closer and closer to actually being releasable. As I thoug...
[36 replies] Last: ArcHIV+ Ha ha! I see what you did there! I'll suggest one more if ... (by Catfish666)
keeping the dart editor in my side bar
so i want to get back in web dev, but im kind of bored with php. but since dart came, it looks like a really cool language that i can use (i might give go anoth...
[no replies]
by Splux
Just got my laptop back..
Well, hello there. What should I do now? Except for gaming, I've already covered that. Tried installing vs2013 too, but too lazy to reboot my laptop :D ...
[4 replies] Last: @Paoletti301: I think I'll just pass on that. And just drink like 1 ... (by Splux)
by Manga
My Mario Game
I started work on a super mario bros. game today. Not much done yet but here is a screen shot. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/124/c/a/super_mario_fan...
[14 replies] Last: @LB: yeah that one. (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
November 2013 Pages: 123456... 8
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