Lounge - May 2015

Any good unnoficial Youtube API?
Well, I want to retrieve playlist infos and download videos and don't want to get an OAuth :3 . Any unnoficial Youtube API? (Don't need to be in C or C++, beca...
[no replies]
ClOSter (name to change)
ClOSter is an ARM asm written OS with C used as much as possible. It was originally going to be for cluster computing but now has no shtick. If you would like ...
[1 reply] : Update: The purpose of the OS has been updated! I've changed the name ... (by closed account NUj6URfi)
CPU Firmware
So, I've never really been one to understand things at the hardware level and generally don't understand how assembly works behind the scenes (which is probably...
[1 reply] : Maybe this is something your interested in learning about. Microcode... (by htirwin)
Computer networking exercise (please help)
Two computers are connected to the same central unit by an Ethernet interface. Describe in details the process used by this unit in order to determine where to...
[2 replies] Last: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc826 (by Computergeek01)
relation of address and cpu bitness
I'm trying to learn assembly and am confused by the relation of address width and the bitness of a cpu(32, 16). For a 8 bit cpu there is always 16 address line...
[5 replies] Last: Don't confuse address and data widths. The 'bitness' of a CPU usually ... (by plexus)
Can you do any type of game in C++?
I'm planning and very interested in learning game dev. I'd like to do it in C++. I love C++ very much even if it sometimes causes my brain to bleed. BTW, I have...
[1 reply] : The C++ language provides basic facilities for computer programming: t... (by IWishIKnew)
What aspects of c++ do you think EVERY software engineer should know?
In your opinion. What aspects of c++ are the most important overall? Do you think some libraries are more important than others? (in c++) By "important", i re...
[12 replies] Last: No, he means generic interaction with a datatype. (by NoXzema)
John Forbes Nash, Jr has died!
NPR reports that he and his wife were killed yesterday in an auto collision on the New Jersey Turnpike: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/05/24/40922...
[2 replies] Last: Yea I had forgotten about that. If he was a celebrity I would've been ... (by Cody0023)
by zepher
The obvious risk of pay per click
How does one protect one's self against the obvious risk relating to the pay per click internet advertising model. How does one guard against malicious clicks ...
[6 replies] Last: It becomes obvious when you consider everything else. IE the content o... (by Computergeek01)
by Algren
Google log in is not working
I tried to log in with the google button before my actual account, it redirects me to this link: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6206245? , so i gues...
[no replies]
Windows ASP.NET hosting requested
Hi I am fooling around with lightswitch and looking for a host so I can publish my application with ease on a windows asp host. So requested is - 1 Gig o...
[no replies]
Is it just me?
Hi, Its been really bothering me for few days, basically I was trying to solve a puzzle and I spent a lot of time on it and I still couldn't get it and when I ...
[4 replies] Last: Best advice that I can muster is to not always expect instant gratuity... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Now that i have learned most of the tutorials in this website...
what else can I learn about the c++ programming language? can anyone give me a link to a website that can teach me more about c++? or do you think i have alr...
[3 replies] Last: Well.. the largest program that i have ever written had about 700 line... (by SomeAmazingGuy)
Where to Post Tutoring Offers?
Hi all, I've been tutoring for over a year now, and lately, have been trying to tutor more than just C++. Specifically, I want to try helping people out in ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the tips, guys. :) (by Little Captain)
College advice please (computer programming diploma)
Hello guys, I am planning on going to Seneca college (which is located in Toronto, Canada) and get an advanced diploma in computer programming and analysis htt...
[5 replies] Last: Well, the course outline is pretty comprehensive. C, C++ and Java are... (by Little Captain)
Why game devlopment is expensive
Hello, how come game development is such an expensive task? I am always shocked to hear about these multimillon dollars game budgets . Can someone talk me step ...
[6 replies] Last: Most AAA games spend a huge portion of those multimillion dollar budge... (by chrisname)
Programming things that write code
Recently I've been getting fed up with writing a bunch of code over and over again, especially in Android development. Stuff like this kills me: public ...
[5 replies] Last: This sort of thing is what template meta-programming is designed for. (by chrisname)
Valuable books for specific type of C++ Programming.
Hello everyone. Can any of you help me by suggesting good books of c++. By good book, I mean comprehensible to those recently came from c++ basics. Also, with d...
[no replies]
How to tackle C++ in order to fit into the industry?
Hello everyone! I have a good programming background but i went on hiatus for like 3 years due to personal stuff. I have a strong good concept of OOP(Java) an...
[5 replies] Last: What are the necessary skill sets that i should learn to fit into the... (by Z e r e o)
by koopey
cplusplus.com needs a clock!
I have been thinking about this for a while but posting this now since I just experienced the problem. In this website, in each posts and replies, the...
[2 replies] Last: i never noticed that my computer's time zone was set to some place oth... (by koopey)
May 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [apr2015] [jun2015]

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