by dleanjeanz
2D game art
[5 replies] Last: Not to mention there are tons of Pixel art tutorials all over the plac... (by BHX)
IoC |
[4 replies] Last: But why not code it that way in the first place? ...If you're implem... (by Lachlan Easton)
by Avilius
PC and Programming Setup/Builds
[11 replies] Last: In my spare time I do programming jobs similar to the side-jobs that F... (by Avilius)
C++14 |
[4 replies] Last: > What is new Not much. (by JLBorges)
VCS & CI |
[4 replies] Last: I know GitHub isn't VCS, but it has the stats of when I use git to add... (by BHX)
by jinjin12
What is an ALU (arithmetic Logical Unit) made of?
[6 replies] Last: They are made up of logic gates , which are made up of transistors (th... (by a k n)
Advice for beginner programmer |
[12 replies] Last: I always address him as Mr., but technically it is Dr. Stroustrup. @... (by BHX)
How to properly plan a program? (1,2) |
[38 replies] Last: Well when you do install it I don't recommend you use the debian repos... (by closed account z0My6Up4)
by intel2010
Best Book For Learning Framework Design
[no replies]
by dleanjeanz
Bad words in English (1,2)
[24 replies] Last: Not really, there are business laws in place that make it illegal to d... (by BHX)
by firedraco
Huh...Look what I got!
[5 replies] Last: Depends on the person, every weekend for two months I had to hear my s... (by BHX)
by NoXzema
Should complicated code stay complicated because it works?
[6 replies] Last: ... was easier to maintain in a long run, but other than this, I don... (by htirwin)
Code::Blocks is always blocking |
[2 replies] Last: I used to use Code::blocks, and it hasnt ever happened to me. Try rein... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by Jason777
Stories about clients who won't pay
[2 replies] Last: Don't sell to regular people, sell to companies. Companies do pay and ... (by rapidcoder)
by novellof
Computer Programming Has...
[12 replies] Last: My personal solution: cycling to work. Pros: * Faster than any other ... (by helios)
confused on clearing the screen |
[5 replies] Last: You're right. The only "guaranteed" clear is the system/terminal-speci... (by Duthomhas)
by IWishIKnew
Cin's Buffer: problems with the default attributes
[12 replies] Last: I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that it works on some flavor of Lin... (by Duthomhas)
by LB
Why do gamers always try the seemingly impossible?
[10 replies] Last: People making videos of them playing the game make it for public. Whic... (by MiiNiPaa)
Code::blocks - I want it to help me more |
[1 reply] : C::B does not have autoformatting the way VS does, but I think there i... (by MiiNiPaa)
by iQChange
Cross-Platform HTTP library
[7 replies] Last: Try this version, it worked with a couple pdfs I tried. std::string g... (by naraku9333)