Lounge - March 2017

Java . I am trying to get the power of a number. This is what i have.
package Richcalculatorlab; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Scanner; public class Richcalculatorlab { public static void main...
[2 replies] Last: Change this: System.out.println ("The power is" +twoDecimals.format(... (by coder777)
can't figure this out
Just going off the cuff to submit my code. I can't figure out the process to submit it in the forum. Hopefully I can find a solution in obtaining the odd intege...
[1 reply] : > I can't figure out the process to submit it in the forum. I'm sick o... (by ne555)
by sidbar
Programmer Wallpapers
Been looking for simple wallpapers related to programming languages finally ended up making a few. Hope someone like it - http://sbytestream.pythonanywhere...
[2 replies] Last: The first shell script I ever wrote was to make a 'programmer's' wallp... (by Cheraphy)
by helios
How to identify cheap canned meat
Lately I've seen several people buying these cheap products, mistaking them for prime cuts of beef, so I feel compelled to write this guide for the uninitiated ...
[2 replies] Last: Are we sure this "stuff" could even be classified as meat? More like ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Raspberry Pi, what nifty little specs!
Deciding to get me one of these little beauties - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Raspberry-Pi-Model-Quad-Motherboard/dp/B01CCOXV34 1.2Ghz and 1GB RAM in the palm of ...
[19 replies] Last: @newbieg wow! raspberry pi zero is awesome. Will definitely check it ... (by shadder)
Minimax Algorithm
Hello guys, I have been teaching myself the minimax algorithm and I have been able to create a Tic-Tac-Toe game with an unbeatable AI. I wanted to create more g...
[no replies]
by helios
x86 Assembly - Indirect addressing
In x86/-64, is there any point in doing, for example, mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4] instead of imul ecx, 4 add ecx, ebx mov eax, other than code size and...
[15 replies] Last: I guess, but it's interesting that the CPU has time to performs those ... (by helios)
LSTM Neural Networks
I am trying to make an LSTM Neural Network but I can't find anything easy to read. I have only seen articles and such referring to the theory but I have no idea...
[1 reply] : Hi, A search for "C++ LSTM Neural Networks" , revealed this as the 3r... (by TheIdeasMan)
Bluray Linux
I finally had the bright idea of plugging a mouse into my older (2-3 years) sony bluray device. It didn't like that. But next I tried keyboard, and it didn't co...
[no replies]
Memory and You
Found a paper on memory and programming. It gives a pretty decent overview of how memory works and how your application interacts with it, whether it be your RA...
[1 reply] : was going to ask how it compares to Ulrich Drepper's famous "What Ever... (by Cubbi)
Data structure interview question
So I been practicing a couple of interview questions from my data structures book and one question that I'm not particularly sure of goes like this. "Let H1 an...
[10 replies] Last: Maybe it's one of those trick questions and it's easier than it seems. (by Golden Lizard)
Your successful projects and your future?
Hey, wondering what successful projects people have made here and/or what you will be focusing on in the future(far or near).
[2 replies] Last: Popularity success, should have stated that. Thanks! (by ChajusSaib)
Measure the skill effectiveness in real time
I am assigned to solve a task that demonstrates a realistic problem in C++. A laser cannon may have the following skill : Recoil Armor : HP reduces ...
[2 replies] Last: it sure looks to me like this can be calculated instantly for a given ... (by jonnin)
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