by Cody0023
Put the code you need help with here.
[5 replies] Last: oh good point rabbit: @dkapuno: thats not actually what the thread is ... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by Cheraphy
Researchers designed music to appeal to cats
[10 replies] Last: Notice a key word there: "associated". That only means that it makes ... (by Little Bobby Tables)
Infected with virus that encrypts data (ransomware) |
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for replies. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, our backup was not ... (by Clint Westwood)
by Avilius
GameDev General #2
[17 replies] Last: I guess it depends on the type of game you're making. With a game like... (by LB)
The Equation Group == NSA: interesting... |
[4 replies] Last: The original report is a bit more detailed: (by Cubbi)
by LB
Taking Offense (1,2,3)
[55 replies] Last: I'm not good with being able to express my intention of opinions with ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Can someone who works as a software engineer/computer programmer tell me about... |
[2 replies] Last: Sure, I'll tell you one from last week. I work for a service software ... (by ultifinitus)
by LB
Console User Input Done Right
[9 replies] Last: yeah :L i figured it wasnt bash. that was a long shot. the point remai... (by Little Bobby Tables)
Game Programming Books - What To Read Next? |
[6 replies] Last: Take things one step at a time - you're not going to learn this stuff ... (by LB)
by Austin J
Should we create a blacklist of sources?
[6 replies] Last: My university still points students to downloading Quincy if they don'... (by Cody0023)
by dilver
character encoding
[15 replies] Last: Hi all, wow this topic is quite interesting and i agree with you guys,... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by cppnerd
Bignum Challenge 2
[2 replies] Last: Um... BigNum.Add would do nothing. Its a character array. After readin... (by fabtasticwill)
Unreal Engine 4 is now available to everyone for free, and all future updates will be free! |
[5 replies] Last: Sweet, was thinking about learning UE3 just yesterday... But now i can... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by specter113
Java help
[8 replies] Last: StackOverflow, no matter who is in it it is still garbage system. no... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by IWishIKnew
[6 replies] Last: @ toddhicks209 This is a C++ forum... you should assume posts to be ... (by IWishIKnew)
by bheadmaster
Java reference webpage
[1 reply] : (by Peter87)