Lounge - March 2014 (Page 5)

Please rate my grammar
Im building a JIT Compiler and just started the lexer, but wanted to do the grammar first to make things easier. is there any way i can make the grammar any bet...
[no replies]
Cryptography help.
For no reason whatsoever, I'm going to attempt some cryptography. (Is this the right section of the forum?) Here is a scenario, you are a hacker and your job is...
[3 replies] Last: No. Unless you can prove othewise. Reinventing the wheel in cryptogr... (by RealGiganitris)
A Game Blog
Hello everybody I just wanted to let people know about my blog. The blog currently talks about the progress of my platformer game I'm currently working on. This...
[no replies]
Wow seriously? (1,2)
People can be so selfish and heartless these days. They have enough money for Samsung Galaxy S4, iPhone and other shit but $1 is "too much of a money" to give t...
[35 replies] Last: Alas overtime is fair game to Uncle Sam just like the first 40... @BH... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Why have a chip on your shoulder when answering a question? (1,2)
I have noticed that there are a lot of people that seem to have a big chip on their shoulder around here when replying to questions. The thing is that these peo...
[25 replies] Last: [quote=cire]And yes, occasionally I find it necessary to let off a lit... (by BHX)
Alternative Keyboards
Does anyone here use any alternative keyboards? I tried Dvorak for a little bit. I started to pick it up, but it's impossible to maintain Dvorak and QWERTY ...
[2 replies] Last: I have not used an alternative Keyboard layout recently, but when I di... (by CDuck)
What is wrong with my code!!!!!!!!
lol, I need a forum for Go. Anyway, I was writing some go today, and I decided to test it on the Go Playground. the code is as follows: package Micro-Bug ...
[2 replies] Last: oops -_- thanks (by James Parsons)
Computer Engineering Major?
Hey everyone! New to this site, and I've got to say it's awesome. I am currently taking an Intro to C++ class as a transfer requirement for electrical engine...
[1 reply] : The best way to tell the difference is to compare the requirements and... (by htirwin)
weird mint boot
Hi all! I was doing stuff on my laptop (which currently runs only linux mint (based off ubuntu) and grub as the boot loader) and then had to go to work. my lapt...
[6 replies] Last: i fixed it. i used this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/recover-bad-supe... (by Little Bobby Tables)
How to best download libc++ for clang?
Being a Windows user I was very pleased to see that clang was finally being distributed as a Windows setup. http://llvm.org/releases/download.html#3.4 N...
[2 replies] Last: From what I can see, libc++ is not yet supported on windows, but they ... (by TwilightSpectre)
by LB
Did you learn C++ in an abnormal way?
I started learning C++ in completely different way from most people - I started by developing plugins for software using the provided SDK. As such, my code was...
[7 replies] Last: I suppose I was a 'normalish' route: I got into C++ because I wanted t... (by TwilightSpectre)
My website
I think I've made lot's of improvements to my website. Can you please check it out? http://c4beginners.weebly.com
[13 replies] Last: sorry to bump, but @grantplusplus: phpbb is good software for writing ... (by Little Bobby Tables)
I'd figure it's time for me to get code that I've written together to compile into some sort of resume I can send to business owners for when I get older. I ha...
[10 replies] Last: Kinda pointless to worry about a resume at your age. You can't even be... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Learning A New Language
I have know and use C, Java, and Python, as well a knowledge in a *ton* of other languages, but I am trying to learn a new language. Despite any opposition I wi...
[11 replies] Last: The issue is not "advanced C++ features" but rather the binary incompa... (by LB)
Organic Life, Simply too weak (1,2)
Hi, I have been thinking, about future of organic species as a whole. This is what I thought of. Humans have been on planet earth for at-least 200,000 yea...
[36 replies] Last: Gamma radiation will pass through anything you put in front of it. (Le... (by sargon94)
Modifying Go Runtime
According to http://wiki.osdev.org/PE#64_bit_PE, A 32 bit PE differs by the AMD64 machine type is different. According to http://golang.org/pkg/debug/pe/#p...
[no replies]
by Nedim1
Stackless Python vs. PyPy vs. CPython
Ok guys so my question is which of these is better(faster,more powerful)? Also which one is better for game development?And can you use libraries such as Pygame...
[5 replies] Last: I say CPython, all the others seem to not be up to date. Also, Python ... (by James Parsons)
N x N Matrix
I need to take an input from a user and create an N x N matrix using the user input. I can't figure out a way to get an input from a user and be able to set up ...
[1 reply] : You can use the stl containers fairly easily for this or the old way: ... (by giblit)
Have nothing to program...
Hi guys. I finished my first book on programming in C++ about 2 months ago. But now I have nothing to program. Sure I work on some of my old "kiddy" projects, b...
[3 replies] Last: You could help me with this problem: Our problem is going to take an N... (by Impala570)
Building Games
Shall I start building games with games engines or wait for lot's of years until I learn better C++ or Java?
[7 replies] Last: I actually started to like Engine Programming more than Game Programmi... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
March 2014 Pages: 1... 345678
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