Lounge - March 2014

by LB
Why are so many languages forced-GC?
Seriously, can no one comprehend any other way to manage memory? Do the bad aspects of C's way of managing memory scare people away from C++'s way of managing m...
[6 replies] Last: Check gcc or clang, you should have objective-c. The language itself ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
I am making a Javascript for uploading files to a webpage. But it sends me an error. My Javascript: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset...
[no replies]
HAve to write a traffic simulator as coursework, need help with ideas
SO all I have to do is draw a cross roads with trafic lights on the screen and have randomly made care objects that can just be rectangles stop for the lights a...
[3 replies] Last: @ devonrevenge: I actually meant that I used too much 'I' in my post l... (by Stormboy)
A simple problem
Hey, So I found an interesting problem which while being simple enough, needs to use some good thinking and features of your language (at least in my opinion)...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <bitset> int main() { int i; std... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Facebook buying Oculus
Has anyone heard about this? What are they going to be doing with it? It`s mainly for gaming. What do you think? http://time.com/37842/facebook-oculus-ri...
[14 replies] Last: I'm not concerned. Facebook, just like Google and any other company in... (by BHX)
Whats wrong with C++ Primer Plus
I just wanted to know people's opinion on C++ Primer Plus by Stephen Prata. Almost every site I go to, everybody recommends C++ Primer and advice against C++ Pr...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks for the list @BHXSpecter, I will look into them. (by Moonraker101)
Who else is reading c++ Primer 5th Edition (1,2)
I was wondering who else is reading this book, I want to know because I would like to take a look at how they did the exercises. This book throws stuff that you...
[27 replies] Last: Just took time to look at 5.7(c) if(int ival = get_value()) ... (by BHX)
by Daleth
Advertisements popping up
Is it just me or are advertisement spam bots frequenting the forum more? I had to report at least three in less than 48 hours. By advertisement spam bots, I ...
[8 replies] Last: I am like the others deleting them when ever I spot them. Majority of ... (by giblit)
by LB
Handwriting (1,2)
I try very hard to write neatly, but my handwriting is horrid: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zovrtssz5yaxmoi/RandomThoughts-March27.jpg (I had to kill time for an ...
[34 replies] Last: > I used to switch hit when I was into kick-boxing, that drove people ... (by ne555)
How to overload istream operator?
Hey guys, I've been working on this assignment where I have to implement a class Matrix in which I have to take input from user by overloading >> operator. The ...
[2 replies] Last: you probably want something like this: class Matrix { public: frie... (by Stewbond)
by LB
Does Google really customize search results per-site?
I was curious to see how many times the phrase "What have you written so far?" occurred on this site: http://tinyurl.com/what-have-you-written-so-far Then I n...
[13 replies] Last: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout (by Ispil)
by Disch
What's up with the Lounge Policing lately? (1,2,3)
BHX just got on my (and others) case in another thread for "continuing to derail a topic" by talking about a tangent topic for ~25 pages. Maybe this wouldn't h...
[44 replies] Last: [quote=JLBorges]Do you need an itemised list of do's and don'ts to edu... (by BHX)
.cpp [Error] expected ';' before numeric constant
Please find error in the following codes: //Code 1 ‪#‎include‬<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; main() { int sum ; int number; ...
[2 replies] Last: If you're talking about the compiler error in the second code, replace... (by long double main)
Holy crap of weirdness
Why is there a clone topic of "Ecnomics" with the same posts? O_O http://oi62.tinypic.com/bi54ly.jpg
[2 replies] Last: This forum has quite a few quirks that should probably be addressed. N... (by NoXzema)
I can't find any ecnomics forumn or any good answer on internet , the question is what if instead of any form of currency gold was used , is it better or worse ...
[14 replies] Last: Difference between paper currency and gold currency http://i61.tinypi... (by Stormboy)
Sql problem
i have just installed sql(10g ex) now when i tried to run a command it gives me an error not connected , by searching online i tried typing connect and giving u...
[no replies]
I suck at RTS (1,2,3)
Hi, I suck at RTS games like for example Warcraft III, Age of Empires II, etc. Can anyone suggest me ideas to improve? I always get beat at multiplayer games.
[40 replies] Last: I have a 17 days holiday. So if any of you guys want to play against m... (by Stormboy)
Hi everyone! I've finally completed my 2nd 2D game, which is a pong game. You should remember my first one which was the Space Shooter one, and all of your nic...
[9 replies] Last: Allright, I've rewritten the game because the previous one was too bug... (by Stormboy)
by LB
C++ Crime
Can you correctly guess what this does? #include <iostream> struct Bystander { Bystander() { std::cout << "Innocent Bystander appears" << std::endl; } ~B...
[4 replies] Last: They're taking advantage of their next door neighbor, Mr. Copy Elision... (by LB)
Good C++ practices (1,2,3,4)
OK, so at a point a person will not find anything new or interesting to learn in C++ but its quite helpful and worth the effort to adopt good C++ coding practic...
[62 replies] Last: In the boost documentation they often refer to modules as Boost.module... (by naraku9333)
March 2014 Pages: 123... 8
  Archived months: [feb2014] [apr2014]

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