Lounge - June 2024

Lions and Tigers and Pointers, oh my! (1,2)
I’ve been spending time at SO again lately (dunno why) and I am again impressed by how confused people get by the idea of pointers. It really doesn’t see...
[23 replies] Last: Alignment is (or at least was) relevant for vectorization. While compi... (by keskiverto)
by helios
Specialization vs. Diversification
Suppose that you already have some competency (which if you're here, probably doesn't stress your imagination) and that there's some completely unrelated discip...
[16 replies] Last: I think you guys covered it... it depends on 2 main things, your actu... (by jonnin)
by zapshe
Typing Speed Test
Do we want to partake in competition again? ------ Reference: https://cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/279014/ I found that the code we used last time wasn't workin...
[13 replies] Last: abcdefghijklnopqstuvwyxz Alphabet was incorrect. It took you 2326 mil... (by zapshe)
  Archived months: [may2024] [jul2024]

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