Lounge - June 2017

Anyone (embedded systems programmers) prefer integrated graphics while programming verse a dedigated GPU?
Hi, I am trying to decide which I prefer. I like the way a dedicated GPU looks more than integrated graphics on HD530 I have on my I7. How ever I would like ...
[no replies]
Congratulations to TheIdeasMan!
Congratulations, TheIdeasMan! Best of luck with the new job :) (as announced in http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/217367/3/ in case anyone thinks I'm re...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you all, that is very kind :+) It's going to be a fun job for t... (by TheIdeasMan)
spi 74hc595 Cascading atmega64
I have a problem with displaying 40 values displayed on the 7 segment (40 components 74hc595 cascade link. enter image description here Here is the date shee...
[no replies]
by Rodev
How do you test codes and/or create new functions?
I am curious to know how experienced programmers code their projects. For example: When I am coding (I'm a CS student), I use an IDE (Xcode) and when I ne...
[9 replies] Last: To add another point, I think it's incredibly useful if you can design... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by Enot02
Hello. I decided to play Black Mirror 1, and because I am running Windows 10, I set up a virtual machine in VirtualBox with Windows XP. When I ran the game, I r...
[3 replies] Last: Did you verify the checksum of your copy of Windows XP? Did you try ... (by mbozzi)
unfamiliar syntax
How is it that the leading dot on the element names is valid? (This is from a Linux device driver.) static struct file_operations fops = { .open = dev_open...
[2 replies] Last: Ah...very good. Thanks, helios. (by mzimmers)
NE555N vs NE555P
Is there any difference between NE555N and NE555P integrated circuits? The pinout is the same? Here is the datesheet of NE555N and NE555P NE555N :http://...
[1 reply] : Check the datasheet for each chip. One is a general purpose timer, the... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
80% of companies have hired a coding bootcamp graduate
The vast majority of tech hiring managers and recruiters believe that coding school graduates make good technical employees. However, they also support more reg...
[6 replies] Last: This seems to imply that tech companies find the contents of the aver... (by BHX)
Game design: Stubborn teammate - Advice?
Hi all, I need guidance. A friend and I are working on developing a game which we hope to sell. He is 25-30 and I am 30-35. We met over an online game whe...
[6 replies] Last: With someone who is "used to" a bad situation - as you say, he has it ... (by jpenney)
New member here
Hey Forum! I just wanted to log in and say 'hey' as I am a new chap on the board. I am an older (just plain old actually!) fellow and became a C++ hobbyist b...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=Lucian_Valois] Another thing that surprised me was how Borland ... (by Chervil)
there seems to be a bug with "Preview"
Hello, first post on this (or any) forum ! When i click on Preview, I am faced with an empty forum text box. What is wrong ? PS: Length at the bottom i...
[6 replies] Last: I'm actually a bit interested, is this website still being maintained ... (by ChajusSaib)
My Own OS! (1,2)
HAH! I've been following tutorial after tutorial in how to get an OS up and running. Up until now either they have left information out, have been machine speci...
[34 replies] Last: I've found couple of hobby OS's out there to look through for example ... (by newbieg)
Spam accounts...
The General C++ Programming is getting a lot of advertising threads these days. I reported 4-5 within the last couple hours. They are getting taken down quickly...
[1 reply] : That's probably because they are put there by a spam bot. Hopefully on... (by TheIdeasMan)
Is there a website like this but for Visual Basic?
This website is incredible. I've probably made over 10 accounts (I always forget the credentials) over the last 10 years and I have to say this website has help...
[1 reply] : A quick 'net search: The One-Stop Visual Basic Tutorial Centre http:/... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Preview shows an empty post
I tried to post something on the Windows forum but when I clicked Preview it showed up blank. The length of characters displayed next to the preview button (whe...
[1 reply] : Never mind. It still showed up in the forum even though the preview wa... (by uranium)
by DTM256
Is it wrong ....
Is it wrong to be paranoid about sharing a cool little tool I made to help myself design and make games faster? I want to show of, I want to share, I want to...
[5 replies] Last: No it is not wrong, keep it to yourself if you think it'll be useful t... (by ChajusSaib)
How can I remove my archived posts?
I can't find any options to do this. But I really need to remove my old posts.
[3 replies] Last: to the extend that the search function will keep working, and the cont... (by ne555)
Question for all employers
I recently took 4 courses that consisted of computer science and physics. This semester, I got 2 B's 1 C and 1 F. I'm not trying to give out excuses on why I f...
[2 replies] Last: Grades are quite important for your first job, particularly for gettin... (by JLBorges)
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