Lounge - June 2015

by axtyax
Good online resources for advanced c++?
I have been doing c++ for a while now, and I really think its time for me to move into the realm of advanced c++. I was just looking for any recommendations ...
[5 replies] Last: I forgot about lambdas, constexpr and likely other c++11/c++14 new fea... (by TheHardew)
New Game
I'm going to try to launch my game on 27th of July. I plan on launching for Linux, Mac, Android, Windows, and iOS. First, I need steam greenlighting. It's a 3D ...
[18 replies] Last: no anti-piracy features. Almost all the steam games I have used wer... (by megatron 0)
Need Help On Game Engine
Hello guys/gals, I would like to start a side project. I want to make a single player open world game like the infamous series. Now I know that I'll probably ne...
[10 replies] Last: Custom built engines are never as good because, in this sense, it ref... (by Avilius)
ArmA 3...heheehe
So anyone play Arma 3? Have a clan I could join and a server? Could someone explain to me how to use teamspeak with it as well thanks? Happy gaming..
[1 reply] : I used to. (by closed account NUj6URfi)
Enterprise Level Version Control Git
Hello all, I routinely use git for my programming - and there are obvious advantages of been able to use such a system at work. I have mentioned it to one of...
[19 replies] Last: [quote=helios]So you coordinate edits to a single file by splitting it... (by TheIdeasMan)
HELP: Buying Equipment for my BF
Write your question here. My boyfriend is a dual physics and aerospace engineering major and entering his last year of school. His GPA is 3.8 and he's pr...
[5 replies] Last: The white sheets I am referring to would be the compiled performance d... (by Computergeek01)
Most inspiring quotes that drive you.
I'll start of with a few... You can die for your country, I'm gonna live for mine. Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards....
[13 replies] Last: It's a motivational quotation from cleverbot, not science. Although, s... (by shadowmouse)
AI for a Pokemon-Like Game
So me and a few friends have been working on a spoof of the old Pokemon games, and I'm getting to the point where I have to program the AI for the battles. For ...
[6 replies] Last: Well as for the AI being stupid, that is easily doable using the curre... (by ModShop)
Do you think there is life out there? (1,2,3,4)
Do you think there is intelligent life outside of our world?
[67 replies] Last: Would like to revive this thread as it is interesting to read peoples ... (by James27)
by tc5667
Advice on programming
So I just finished my intro to C++ class and I also took a class in HTML/CSS and an intro JS class with a terrible teacher (didn't teach us how to code, just ta...
[2 replies] Last: Here are things that you need in real world programming that they don'... (by dhayden)
How long will it take to make a Ebay like
How long will it take to create an Ebay or Amazon like website. Where anybody can sell things or auctions stuff online? Is it really as hard or as complex as so...
[10 replies] Last: In addition to security, you have to handle reliability and scalabilit... (by dhayden)
Branding software
Good day everyone. I'm currently researching on creating a branding software, the idea is to get a server and have an application running that does the signa...
[no replies]
Who else is taking a break?
Who else is taking a break from programming, because your life is very busy right now? Curious to know.
[7 replies] Last: Oh don't get me wrong, I don't need to learn what's covered in the A+ ... (by Cheraphy)
Landing a paid Software Engineer/Developer position
I was wondering how much practice and learning one needs to do in order to land a paid position as a software develop/engineer (I know there is a difference the...
[4 replies] Last: @ultifinitus Thank you so much for your response. I will make sure I ... (by jhykima)
Extended Welcome mail?
Do you think it would be useful for the "Welcome to cplusplus.com!‏" e-mail to be extended to include a few tips about posting? Or maybe a second mail should ...
[6 replies] Last: Free time is my cancer. Please note that it is also 3:30am, and I have... (by S G H)
by yj1214
Windows 10 is free, should I install it? (1,2)
Hello all! I just wanted to talk about the new Windows 10 release. My laptop is Windows 8.1 and I just received a Windows 10 offer for free. So what do you t...
[21 replies] Last: I have to agree that Windows 10 is probably their best yet, far from ... (by Codermik)
What is your Dream car? (1,2)
Mine is the bmw m4 it's a $64,000 at start but it can range up to $75,000 depending on the package you get for this car. I just want the basic package so I'm ai...
[20 replies] Last: Lamborghini Aventador Superveloce (by Cody0023)
OpenGL or DirectX
Now DirectX12 Looks amazing but OpenGL has Multi-Platformness, With Microsoft's Vision becoming actualy a good one with Satya Nadella as CEO DirectX may one day...
[3 replies] Last: This is incredibly vague and has no answer. It ultimately depends on ... (by Avilius)
Need a new computer.
Does any one have any suggestions for me the budget is £500, I'm British. I would prefer a Windows operating system I know Windows 10 will be out soon. I will...
[8 replies] Last: £350 http://www.ebuyer.com/671345-zoostorm-gaming-desktop-pc-7260-504... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by admkrk
Fractal Music
I found a couple examples of it being played, but I need to write a program that produces it. Is it possible without additional libraries? I saw csound mentione...
[no replies]
June 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [may2015] [jul2015]

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