Lounge - July 2015

Hey, so as we all know, the Windows 10 "free"upgrade is around the corner, and I did some digging around, it says that only Windows 10 Pro will have BitLocker T...
[8 replies] Last: UPDATE - Installed Windows 10 like on 29th itself, seems okay, I thoug... (by Pratik K)
CoderGears launch the "C/C++ Coding Best Practices Repository"
There are many style guides around the web talking about the coding best practices. Some guidelines are very interesting, some others are not suitable even they...
[1 reply] : Sounds like something interesting to peruse. Your link is a bit mucke... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by LB
I think I just screwed my system
So I have a Windows 7 laptop as my primary computer, and I do all my gaming on it. My GPU has a nasty habit of overheating and forcing my computer to shut off f...
[13 replies] Last: This was less of a hard drive failure and more of a file system failur... (by LB)
x86, x64, ARM
Can anyone tell me exactly the differences between these three computer architectures. I believe x86 is 32-bit and x64 is 64-bit but correct me if I'm wrong.
[3 replies] Last: ARMv8A supports 64 and 32-bit modes, called AArch-64 and AArch-32. Als... (by chrisname)
Venting: Don't rename debug libraries
Proprietary vendors seem to think that renaming their debug binaries differently helps with automating linking against them. It doesn't. Let's say we have l...
[12 replies] Last: In my experience, in that situation the original file will be overwrit... (by LB)
by Ch1156
My Youtube Gaming Channel, What do you think?
I record gaming videos with my friends, I made a ton of highlights videos but we're currently working on a series of Half-Life 2 Co-op using the Synergy Mod. We...
[3 replies] Last: I didn't mean that random things can't be posted in the lounge, I just... (by LB)
Power of the Compiler
I've recently started learning assembly for linux and wow how it goes against linux portablity! I tried to google search this but could'nt find a good answer. ...
[4 replies] Last: The only difference is what you are targeting (and when). A general c... (by Duthomhas)
Possible malware link added to article.
I was looking for info on link list and an article at the link below was an option. When I clicked on it I had a pop up window telling me I was close to the end...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys. Just went to the link myself and no pop-up. Not sure what... (by Aim4Erudite)
by Ceset
Upgrading to Win10
Hi all I believe in a few weeks we will have Windows 10 out and i was thinking whether i should upgrade or not. Now there are some new things in Win 10, but m...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks a lot @Grey Wolf (by Ceset)
by Zhuge
Re: Code tags are broken
http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/170106/ This also seems to be bringing up that old issue that breaks my login session so I can't reply.
[3 replies] Last: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/148177/#msg776959 (by ne555)
by ne555
Code tags are broken
A 0: 0 (also the preview)
[1 reply] : Appears as a 2 pixel wide light blue rectangle for me in Chrome 44. Vi... (by LB)
by LB
Biometric login
It freaks me out. Something about a password stored on the outside of my body doesn't sit right with me. Anyone who has access to me has access to my password. ...
[8 replies] Last: A very simple article on security: https://pciguru.wordpress.com/2010... (by closed account Gvp9LyTq)
by axtyax
Getting started with opengl
So I want to get started with opengl, but I have some questions first: - I'm on linux, and I see all these things like GLUT and mesa, and I was wondering wha...
[2 replies] Last: http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/51_SDL_and_modern_opengl/index.php Th... (by Avilius)
by LB
Anyone else notice that orange and red get mixed up a lot? (1,2,3)
I can't really find any information on this that doesn't have to do with color blindness, but I notice that many people (who are not color blind) often mix up r...
[42 replies] Last: [quote=LB] The exact color is "dark_purple": As the red and blue are ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
How's FreeBSD's Blu-Ray Support?
So my blu-ray player reached the end of it's reasonably long life and I'm looking for a replacement. Instead of dropping 200 dollars on an inflexible piece of h...
[4 replies] Last: FreeBSD has a Linux compatibility layer so it should work with most th... (by chrisname)
C++ 17 as an alternative to using OS API
C++ 11 brought us closer to the operating system without having to directly use the operating system's API with the C++ Thread support library. Now C++ 17 is go...
[6 replies] Last: Visual Studio 2015 released several hours ago, and apparently has supp... (by LB)
Looking to start a Teamspeak Server for programming
Hi, I am looking for someone to help me start, run, and maintain a Teamspeak server for programming. I have run servers before in the past, but I need someone w...
[no replies]
by S G H
Trying to compile OpenSSL with GNU Make for Windows? Fix here!
I know this will sound silly, but it took me a lot of googling and mixing. Been having some issues while manually compiling OpenSSL with GNU Make for Windows. ...
[2 replies] Last: Not for OpenSSL. They have some really weird stuff going on. (by S G H)
by knn9
Third week of record breaking heat... (1,2)
Global warming is real, man. We're going on the third week of triple digit heat here in Washington state. A couple weeks ago it was 111F - the hottest temperatu...
[32 replies] Last: Okay, so I chose the wrong word... calibration points. And I underst... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by Alon
How to add code to the post?
Hi there, I am new to the forums and this site, how can I add a code that I have in C++?
[2 replies] Last: A reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/z13hAqkS/ (by Zhuge)
July 2015 Pages: 123
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