Lounge - February 2017

Statically scoped and dynamically scoped
Original post deleted.
[1 reply] : there's also http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/scope for some ... (by Cubbi)
MIT OCW guide for Computer Engineering
I am starting school for CE in the summer. I found this site and I want to gain some experience and knowledge in CE. I have some basic IT skills with computers,...
[2 replies] Last: Have you tried Coursera? (not much on C++ but plenty of other stuff) (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Storage formats for hierarchical structures
Hi, all. Our team is coming to need to make a decision regarding a file format for storing hierarchical structures, ie data saved to be used later for constr...
[13 replies] Last: Hmm. I will have to loop up some more on how to do that, but it certa... (by JayhawkZombie)
by MrJ
ASM Help
how do you add var in ASM. I currently not understanding what the kip irvine book is saying . Is it similar to basic c++ where i set int for the value int fo...
[2 replies] Last: A lable is just an address of memory/the program. So when you lable th... (by lordseanington)
by DTM256
Feeling like I missed the boat
Hey guys, Heads up, I think I'm just going to be complaining. So my apologies now for one of those "Back in my days" topics. As of Feb 5th(2017), I've con...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=DTM256]coding for yourself in your spare time doesn't count. I... (by Cubbi)
#include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int bar(float time){ float progress=0.0; float inc=time/100...
[2 replies] Last: okay i believe the code is working now, at least it compiles for me (by Cvincent898)
by helios
Voxel density datasets?
I'm playing around with voxel rendering and I need some interesting datasets. So far all I've found is a head CT scan of a cadaver. While interesting, it's only...
[9 replies] Last: New render: http://imgur.com/JtVmsA3 In addition to trilinear interpol... (by helios)
JavaScript Forum?
Hello friends, Huge fan of this forum as I have received lots of help with many of my programs. I don't want to ask questions where they don't belong, so ...
[no replies]
Just been accepted into university - Thank you all
Pre note: I will be talking about some life experience I've had, feel free to skip the first paragraph. I am not here for judgement, feel free to judge but try ...
[9 replies] Last: @DTM - Thanks man! I have plenty of projects I am working on at the mo... (by megatron 0)
Anybody else having problems with firefox lately
Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing problems with firefox. When I describe the problems these are things that have collectively gott...
[1 reply] : I have Windows 7, and I use script blocker for mine since a lot of the... (by DTM256)
How to add cplusplus to firefox search engines?
Hi, Some time ago I switched to cppreference.com when searching for C++ related stuff, because it supports firefox search engine and this is very useful. Af...
[2 replies] Last: I did not realize that. Thank you. (by lewiatan11)
Just realized the site has an option to search by bookmark but I don't know of a way to bookmark topics. Am I missing something?
[2 replies] Last: Doh! I've been so used to ignoring that, I couldn't see it right in fr... (by NoXzema)
by kbw
Site Upgrade
Does any know how to contact the site owners? There's a trove of information within the site, but it's impossible to find most things that I know are there. ...
[5 replies] Last: so, how does it go ? (by Flaze07)
What do you do in your free time?
I like reading, watching movies and anime (Japanese cartoons), I like video games a lot, and of course spending time with my friends and with my girlfriend :) ...
[18 replies] Last: I think about inspiration for my programs, watching dem animes, readin... (by Flaze07)
Need some ideas to improve on school project
I hope it's okay to ask this here, but I need some ideas on how to improve a class project so that it becomes a "side project" that I can put on my resume. S...
[6 replies] Last: 1. Does the shell let you set an environment variable. For example: $... (by dhayden)
Where should I go
I want to master c++. I've looked at thenewbostons tutorials on youtube. Now where should I go ?
[9 replies] Last: tutorials it's great but i think that courses will be more efficient (by MorrisJ)
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